Sunday, December 30, 2007

Our 1St ScrapBookinG Session 29.12.2007

Our 1st Scrapbooking session was At made with Love In plaza singapura.. It was Pam hen PArty session n all of us were to make a scrapbook which we had to exchange with the gals at the end of the session...I had to do a scrapbook for Lujin n Ying will have to do one for me..The first half of the session was theory it was pretty alright..the more exciting part was the hands on session where we get to select the colours, the title,the arrangement of the pictures and the embelishments...

Though it seems simple we actually spent 7 hours doing it in the shop...sound quite unbelievable right..As it was a gift for our dear friends we all wanted to "perfect it"...Though germaine was not in town,we did not forget about her..Once we were done with our scrapbook all of us quickly help to complete her scrapebook.The end product was beautiful...The simplest reason was these scrapebooks were made with love n you will not be able to get it from outside.....

I bet there will be more sessions coming up soon...

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

SurPrise FROm BAby

This dec both dear and i did not plan for any holiday as we did not wanna put a strain on our finances as wedding and reno cost a bomb....also dear is not on holiday..Anyway as long as im not in school im very happy and glad i have some personal time for myself..

dear told me to make myself avaliable on 23rd sunday he was gg to bring me somewhere after service and we r going to spend the night out...he sounded so mysterious...n im all excited...

To my surprise baby actually brought me to changi village hotel..he actually signed up a spa package for the both of us that afternoon.How sweet my baby boy he knows i love massage n he has been doing his homework all these while.

we went to the highest storey with an outdoor jacuzzi pool n it has a spectacular view facing the beautiful sea...we were given some time to enjoy the jacuzzi and chocolate fondue that they hv prepared..afterwhich we had the usual becuz of the air con my nose was bad...the lady recommended ear candling to me saying it helps to clear sinus..well i gave it a goal but i would say it was not of much help....the whole session was very relaxing n i simply love it becuz baby took his own initiatives to plan the whole thing.

It was the most memorable xmas ..thank you baby...

Friday, December 21, 2007

Our First GInGEr BreadMAn...

MunnIn AcTiOn

Our Cute Gingerbread man

Today i drag munn into the kitchen to do Gingerbread man with me so that i could pass some to Ling N LOuis as xmas cookies during our majong session.It was the first time we tried the recipie and we din hv much time to prepare everything was in a rush...however it is an interesting to see Munn in the kitchen.and it was very fun while we were doing the icing for the cookies...
Hmmm i would say there is still room for improvement as the cookies were abit hard but definitely edible...But afer the ginerbread man my throat hurts guess is abit heaty ...

anyway i love baking and I shall attempt again..

Friday, December 14, 2007


Right now... im feeling angry angry angry ^!*^*&^*&@(&) first im angry with myself for raising my voice at mum at the shopping centre this afternoon,i felt bad.2 Im angry with some friends - y is everyone told of e montage thing except me, y do u make me feel like im a lousy friend....and now (3) im angry with the bridal shop staff!!! i feel short- changed,this is already my second bridal shop... why is it others always get better deal than me...just becuz i dun kick a fuss or bargain thus im always short change>>>or is it becuz they r always out there to cheat MONEY!!!being kind is nt a bonus becuz others take advantage of YOU!!! y is it others pay 3288 that comes with Actual day photographer and made to measure gown n y do i need to pay 3688 with OFF THE RACK GOWN n actually day photographer!!!!i hate dishonest ppl....BAD BAD SERVICE i feel short changed!!

Hubby -to- be y r you so kind,if only u r more demanding maybe we wont get short changed all the time..

Friday, December 07, 2007


After 4 hectic school terms is finally school holiday!perhaps this is the only time of the year teachers can take a short break before we return to "madhouse "again...the only pity is hubby to be is no longer in MOE hence he has no school most of the time im alone with doggie at home...n the good thing is the weather recently is perfect to ZZZ...i dun hv to struggle to wake up every morning..every Dec holiday i will definitely go somewhere for holiday however this is the first yr im staying in spore...Firstly i was so worried i hv to take sub paper for Sim,secondly hubby to be says we need to save for weddings...sigh...

anyway my priority for this holiday is to lose weight FAST....i need to go for gown fitting in JAN n im still so FAT ...HELP HELP already december and i only hv a few more mths to go...I WANNA squeeze into my gOWN...

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Praise the Lord!

Praise the lord,glory to u my king....

1) For the past one month plus i have been feeling down,i was worried about my SIM results.I dunno why as time goes by i seemed to be more dumb and lazy..going for night classes and preparing for exam was a nightmare.Im aware that i din do well for my exam this time round and was prepared to take sub- paper.STill everynight i have been praying so hard i knew that i have done my best and i believe my father will do the rest..the results were finally out and i guess i can finally zzz soundly tonight.I managed to pass all three modules..What a relief!Though i din do that well still thank you father.

2) POochie BLood TEst
Yesterday sis and i finally brought babygal to the vet for her annual vaccination.Poor joey was shivering in the taxi,she sensed something was not right...doc say joey looks good and her cataracts din was brave she din cry when she had the jab on the butt...sis and i decided to let baby do a blood test since she is 10 and we have yet to do any.We love baby joey n want her to live forever if possible. she din like the blood test n it was painful..i cant bear to see that so left the room n left her with doc n sis..standing there i can hr my maltese breathing so hard...then she was very angry growling heart felt the pain..but i hope she understand cuz we meant well. She was so angry last nite that she refuse to cum out frm the sofa n i can see she is still in pain.*sayang joey*.Clinic called us todat n told sis baby results r out.Her liver kidney n everything are in good condition.*phew*but she must cut down on oily food.As baby doesnt really eat i guess the oily food cums frm CAESER.....hmmm will try to reduce that ...anyway thank GOd My BABy is fine.

3) KTV session

I met up with AP and jas today and we went K box fo KAraoke and lunch at the same time...these days i cant sing sounds like a fog croaking away.Anyway glad to see them n we went shopping afterthat.I bought two tops that i really love...afterwhich i took a train to woodlands to meet Hubby- to- be for dinner..WE had KFC (SINFUL FOOD) and after a while he had to return to sch for night class.Poor dear has to work till 10 these two night.*hugs*

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Back Door....

This morning i felt lousy,i felt tired, i felt fat ,i felt ugly, i felt warm,i was grumpy...what a sunday i must be the stupid exam and wedding preparation that are affecting my mood.but to my surprise it turned out to be a special day that i will always remember...all thanks to munn and Backdoor and of cuz baby joey...

after service,we had to rush for lunch, head home n fetch joey gal to the groomer to get her nails cut.There were somany lovely puppies at the pet shop.Seeing their innocent faces really makes my day.

After which munn insisted to bring joey gal and me to a it was raining i told him to forget it but my sweet boy drove all the way to sultan road to give me a surprise..

He brought me to "BAckdoor"- a place for pet photography...I was really caught by surprised i din expect it at all... it was sooooooooooo sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet of him my boy seldom give me surprises....we decided to let joey hv a "makeover" and have soemglamour shots.GOOdness i haven bathe her for two weeks,i was hoping they dun complain of her SMElll,but i was worried
she might appear yellowish in the picture...poor maltese she has turn frm white to off white...sob sob but i still love her..

We chose a pooh bear outfit, a korea outfit and a strawberry outfit for her.she looked so adorable in those outfits.but she looked kind of silly in the strawberry outfit..frankly i think she looked the best without any outfits.she looked so natural and joey is the most beautiful maltese i ever seen..i bet u cant guess her age based on the so proud of this photogenic little poochie of mine...

Sunday, October 07, 2007

wedding preparation hurray!!!

Munn and I had a fruitful Saturday....Though we went out in late afternoon but we managed to sign up a bridal package and AD videography.Afterwhich we went to expo to speak to ID again (I have lost count how many Id we went to)

1. Feeling confused and disappointed

I was feeling confused before we signed up the bridal as there are so many bridal shops out there and most of the gowns out there are gorgeous. It really a headache.. Sigh when we sat down at Bliss Bridal creation we were stucked.That was our first and last bridal shop.Some of the pictures were beautiful but some are just average.

The lady who served us was very friendly and nice, she was not pushy franklyI was not very interested.. in the end baby decided to sign as the package was reasonable ans service to us is very important.Still I find it a pity as i did not get a chance to take a look at other bridal.Bliss Bridal was not the shop i had in mind. Now i worry about the gowns they have in the shop and i worry that the photographer is not up to standard.*sigh* As usual my baby is encouraging he assured me i will look good in any gowns.Though they seemed to "throw in" many stuff for us when i checked online just now i realised other bride -to- be have more pictures than us even, i felt abit disappointed and cheated cuz why cant all customers get the same deal .munn says is okay n i shd nt be upset over such small details Shd we transfer the package??or go i worrying too much.???I will only go try the gown in Nov or Dec..

2Feeling HAPPY

After getting the BRidal we walked past One eye click photography, I saw the company portfolio in magazine and online before.i Love their styles and immediately we sign up a package with them..It was love at first SIGHT...if my bridal shots are going to let me down, i will definitely spend more money on AD photography.GOD is so good,i cant believe im getting married to MR Sze Toh...

3.Feeling Troubled

Now then we have settled the BS and AD gonna tackle the first prob again r we having holy matrimony in CMC church or are we going to other church or are we having it in the hotel itself ? We kind of love CHIJMES but is not available on the day.Are we really going to AMAra Santuary???I wish i can hv the ans fi from baby but i know he will always let me make the final decision cuz as long as im happy he will be too. (I hate myself cuz i cant make decision! n i always regret)

4.Feeling Paiseh

I duuno how to say NO to people or sales man and this is tough.Today we were struggling with Tommy.he is a nice guy who is frm an interior company.He is friendly and patient with us.However, I decided not to sign anything today as I do nt want to hv any regrets when it cums to hse.We are gg to leave there for long and i hv not seen the other proposals frm other ID. We tried so hard telling him to give us time to think abt it n he tried even harder convincing us. I find so paiseh and tired rejecting ppl.Luckily we manage to get away in the end,but we promised to get bk to himGod pls give me an answer.....which ID should we go to!!

5 Nite prayer
Lord i thank you and praise u for all teh wonders and blessings u hv done in my life.Bless with me abunadant wisdom n perserverance that i will complete my degree in two yrs time.Pray that i will do wel for my coming exam and lord i leave my wedding preparation to u.Take charge of my life and remove all my fears and anxiety.I wanna be a happy child of urs,a cheery friend,an amazing teacher and an irreplaceble wife of sze toh khai munn.Amen!!

Wedding Preparation....

Friday, August 10, 2007


There are simply a few particular people in my office whom i cant stand..they r so damn bitchy n unprofessional....the thought of religious educators behaving in such immature manners simply turn me off...i din expect educators to be so damn bitchy...arent teachers supposed to be kind by nature?

My Lord says love God love all, whivh includes loving my enemies.I remember his words ...however ppl simply cant stop stabbing me .hello im nt a stone,i can see hear n feel.It really piss me off n upsets me when i know ppl r picking on me...i just wanna be left alone at work...what on earth have i done ... im nt a entertainer nor a "sa ka" just being myself....

for heaven sake please preach what u say..btw if u r too lonely pls get urself a man...fall into love,get married n start a family...btw will appreciate if u can be more professional..

mixed feelings

I finally get a chance to blog again,it has been a long time since i last blog cuz once again i couldnt remember my password.For the last few weeks i have recieved good news from my buddies that they r getting married too.But when i know all our wedding dates r so close i begin to worry cuz first of all looks like i wont have any bridemaids left my ideal wedding was to have the whole group of them being my bridemaid looks like i can forget abt it,secondly i will be damn disappointed if anyone of them is able to turn up for my wedding shd they are superstitious abt "clashing"....

Lst week J told me she is not coming for my wedding i was abt to kill her...she has been my best fren all these yrs hw can she possibly miss my wedding...N hw do i let her know her presence n well- wishes mean alot to me..afterall of these yrs of friendship how can she nt turn up...i was utterly disappointed in her. i intended to ignore her for quite some time but since yesterday was her bday i stopped the cold war n asked her out for dinner.But for the first time i din wanna talk abt my wedding with her cuz the thought of her nt being there on my big day really breaks my heart.there is still a year ahead n i really hope she can change her mind n be there for i finally understand y was Y so pissed off with me for missisng her ROM...

sigh isnt wedding supposed to be a joy btw Km n me.Y are there so much worries n concerns..
We are worried abt the date, first it must be sch holiday for both KM n myself then im hoping to get a date so tt J can turn up for my wedding...i worry abt engaging brida services l,i worry abt the wedding venue,i worry abt the guest list cuz there are simply a few irritating ppl whom i dun wanna see them on my wedding day..(but looks like i have to invite cuz they knw my darling as well) i worry the wedding is nt up to what i expected..i worry abt the cost as well, i worry i cant be a good daughter in law,i cant be a good wife and etc..I begin to hate myself more n more..y am i a WATER person..

Almighty god, marriage is a sacred gift frm god n is supposed to be a joyful occassion,father i pray that everything will run smoothly for us. I Pray that i will be able to prepare most of the stuff so tt KM can focus on his work..i dun wanna be a burden,Pray that i will be a happier person n will be able to look at things frm diff perspective..lord i can do all things through you who give me strength.Amen.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Yes I dO....8th June 2007

Hua Hin (070607-100707)

Hua Hin is a place with beautiful people and alluring scenery....i would always remember this special holiday.the bed was so comfortable,e toilet was wow,e swimming pool was cool n the food there was excellent.i simply love the tiger prawns .....but the best thing that happened there was i not only came back with a tan i came back with a lovely diamond ring on my wedding finger....yes my sweetheart proposed to me on o8o607.

since young as a little gal i wonder when will the day come will my prince come for me?when will i get married how will i look like as a bride?everytime i hear ppl getting married im ecstactic, i can feel their joy but never did i expect when my darling proposed to me i din cry which i thought i will perhaps it was becuz i was down with a bad flu....

"Will u marry me?"he said with a sweet n shy smile."i do....."i replied with thanks giving to god.i know all these wont happen without the blessings of the lord.i cant believe im getting married im actually wanted.... i was a GF that guys cant stand i drove them mad i annoyed them n they all cant wait to get out of my life...i was worried...not becuz i dun love or trust this boy, i was worried this boy of mine would back out..

my baby is an elligible n intelligent boy,he has been the sweetest boy i ever met.He has been the one i have been praying for all these yrs.. AMEN.i know who did all e work...i know y our relationship work...well im sure we both put in effort but is the magic n power of GOD, without him all these wont happen.i know Munn is a gift frm god.God let me go through all the heartbreak n hardship before i met munn so that i will appreciate him more.he looks cute when he smile cuz i cant see his eyes,im always mesmerized by his singing,i feel like giving him a slap when he is tired cuz he gets grumpy,he is extremely sweet to me when he is in a good mood,he takes great care of me all e time,he eats little which disgusts me,he drags me to bukit timah to make me exercise,he blades with me though he refuse to hold my sum up the man im getting married to is a CHARMING FELLA who will sing twinkle twinke little gonna be MRS ...SZETOH...

I love u lord.....i love u coconut