Tuesday, December 25, 2007

SurPrise FROm BAby

This dec both dear and i did not plan for any holiday as we did not wanna put a strain on our finances as wedding and reno cost a bomb....also dear is not on holiday..Anyway as long as im not in school im very happy and relieved..im glad i have some personal time for myself..

dear told me to make myself avaliable on 23rd sunday he was gg to bring me somewhere after service and we r going to spend the night out...he sounded so mysterious...n im all excited...

To my surprise baby actually brought me to changi village hotel..he actually signed up a spa package for the both of us that afternoon.How sweet my baby boy he knows i love massage n he has been doing his homework all these while.

we went to the highest storey with an outdoor jacuzzi pool n it has a spectacular view facing the beautiful sea...we were given some time to enjoy the jacuzzi and chocolate fondue that they hv prepared..afterwhich we had the massage...as usual becuz of the air con my nose was bad...the lady recommended ear candling to me saying it helps to clear sinus..well i gave it a goal but i would say it was not of much help....the whole session was very relaxing n i simply love it becuz baby took his own initiatives to plan the whole thing.

It was the most memorable xmas ..thank you baby...

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