Friday, December 07, 2007


After 4 hectic school terms is finally school holiday!perhaps this is the only time of the year teachers can take a short break before we return to "madhouse "again...the only pity is hubby to be is no longer in MOE hence he has no school most of the time im alone with doggie at home...n the good thing is the weather recently is perfect to ZZZ...i dun hv to struggle to wake up every morning..every Dec holiday i will definitely go somewhere for holiday however this is the first yr im staying in spore...Firstly i was so worried i hv to take sub paper for Sim,secondly hubby to be says we need to save for weddings...sigh...

anyway my priority for this holiday is to lose weight FAST....i need to go for gown fitting in JAN n im still so FAT ...HELP HELP already december and i only hv a few more mths to go...I WANNA squeeze into my gOWN...

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