Sunday, October 14, 2007

Back Door....

This morning i felt lousy,i felt tired, i felt fat ,i felt ugly, i felt warm,i was grumpy...what a sunday i must be the stupid exam and wedding preparation that are affecting my mood.but to my surprise it turned out to be a special day that i will always remember...all thanks to munn and Backdoor and of cuz baby joey...

after service,we had to rush for lunch, head home n fetch joey gal to the groomer to get her nails cut.There were somany lovely puppies at the pet shop.Seeing their innocent faces really makes my day.

After which munn insisted to bring joey gal and me to a it was raining i told him to forget it but my sweet boy drove all the way to sultan road to give me a surprise..

He brought me to "BAckdoor"- a place for pet photography...I was really caught by surprised i din expect it at all... it was sooooooooooo sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet of him my boy seldom give me surprises....we decided to let joey hv a "makeover" and have soemglamour shots.GOOdness i haven bathe her for two weeks,i was hoping they dun complain of her SMElll,but i was worried
she might appear yellowish in the picture...poor maltese she has turn frm white to off white...sob sob but i still love her..

We chose a pooh bear outfit, a korea outfit and a strawberry outfit for her.she looked so adorable in those outfits.but she looked kind of silly in the strawberry outfit..frankly i think she looked the best without any outfits.she looked so natural and joey is the most beautiful maltese i ever seen..i bet u cant guess her age based on the so proud of this photogenic little poochie of mine...

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