Thursday, September 08, 2011

Goodbye my last TWenties...(Part 1)

                                                         The Wonderful Hubbies!

                                                         This Picture could have been Better!
                                                                    Is Our Birthdays!
                                                         Jairus looking lost

                                                             The seafood was awesome
                                                                  My precious

                                                                     The Sze Tohs 2011 september
Oh mine, i am now offcially 29 years old.The big three is there to welcome me next year.I cant help but to agree im really old,becomng more and more aunty these days.For the past ten years,life was not easy more me as i was going through my youth, i spent so much time nursing broken hearts,coping with all the exams from NIE and SIm,lotsa of challenges from work and the worst thing was losing my two loved ones.(I miss them dearly).However our God is mercy and kind ,he has indeed blessed me abundantly over these ten years.I got my Diploma,my degree,married a wonderful man,own a small but lovely place,have the most adorable son,a stable job,love and care frm friends and sisters and a safe country to live in.What more can i ask more??God is good ,all the time.

Anyway, this year is my second year celebrating my birthday with baby Jairus,as our group is really expanding fast and the group size is now so big,it can be real challenging to arrange makan sessions with all the kiddos.Im glad i went ahead with holding a BBQ at Changi Csc club,it has been real long since we last had our BBQ session.The kiddos had fun playing at the playground,swimming and playing with the bubbles and sparklers. Baby Jairus is now at the age he doesnt really knw how to play with others, so he spent most of the time playing on his own or watching the older kids playing.The weather was great though it was pouring that afternoon itself.Amen,Praise the lord!I feel that maybe we shd get something for the gals too since they are such great pals and ying agreed as well hence we gt our dear frens some cups which i hope they will use it at work or home.Well once again,it was a great party with awesome company n food.A big thank you to all the husbands for bearing with the heat and standing there for hrs to bbq the food for everyone.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

16 months and

Baby JAirus is now 16 mths,where did the time go?this poor boy has been hospitalized for the third time since he is born  and we are praying very hard that he will grow up to be a healthy boy.hmmm 16 months and still not talking?personally i do understand boys tend to speak later but when i read about how other kinds including boys at his age has started to talk i do wonder is there anything wrong with baby JAirus,especially just the other day the {D mentioned he should be saying 3 words now.And i tend to get really annoyed when ppl around me comment about him not speaking and how i shd be teaching him.Maybe im too sensitive or defensive but i really do feel uncomfortable when others comment abt him not speaking

Another concern here is Baby Jairus is really shy and afraid of loud noise.He is very selective when it comes to strangers and he can be extreme shy n uncomfortable when dealing with crowds,hence he simplay hate all the animals shows we have watched for the past year. and yes i finally can understand how A feel when she suspects her daughter had some special needs,A few of my friends encounter the same problems when their child startd speaking late and they chose to take leave to stay at home to interact and teach the child.Perhaps i  should really consider that as well.

Well the little one seems to be in love with THOMAS the train lately,just the other day when we brought him to kiddy palace he was so attracted to thomas and spent squite some time talking to the toys and when we brought him to other section to look at other toys,immediately he ran back to thomas again haha.that sight was really cute.Thank God he did not kick a fuss when we left the shop.on the other hand maybe he should fuss because daddy and mummy were about to relent and purchase the toy for him.Anyway we just bought him a Thomas and train set over the weekend,we hope he does not destroy that just like what he did with the ELC train set which was his birthday present.

May God continue to bless and oveflow Jairus with his wisdom, his favour,his grace and good health always,Amen!

Monday, August 29, 2011


Dear GOD please enlighten me,i really need to make a decision soon,at the rate i visit the doctor and jairus visit the doctor,i will really break down I am really tired of worrying about my students,my marking,my work,my child my family...i used to love those big eyes of mine but these days they look so weary all day long and the dark eye rings seem to be getting worse and worse.I have been falling ill so so often that im am so embarrased to take MC for i feel bad to get other teachers to relief me 'and fear that i shortchange my pupils.MY nose has been bad and munn n JAirus have also been taking turns falling sick.Just the other day after the qunicy hotel stay,Alot of mozzie bites red spots starting surfacing on jairus body they look swollen and it was everywhere on his body i cant help but to rush him to Mount Alvernia however doc could not really tell whats wrong but only prescribe us with medicine for his bad runny nose.However the following ,the spots did not subside day and i had to send him to SBCC and the PD mentioned is hives though we do not know what trigger it and gave him so medication.Thank GOD the cold and red spots went away after a few days.

Then for the next few weeks, i had asthma attack,2 UTI infections which hurts my kidney,fever,unusual red patches on my body,bad body aching,bad headaches for days.and yes it all happens within 4 weeks, and that os excluding Jairus he was just hospitalised again the otehr day and it hurts me to see him undergoing IV drip and struuggling and crying each time he takes the medicine and is time to take his temperature.I have been to the doc so many times and spent to much money on the bills and recently the doc commented i am worn out,but how not to be when there is so much stress at home and work and im deprived of quality zzz,

THis has been a really terrible term for my health,is it showing signs that i shd change job?will i be able to find another job when i leabe teaching?should i stay at home to look after my own kid?am i shortchanging my students in school?have i brought inconvenience to my colleagues?

LORD i need an answer,please show me your way and will,,,,

Sunday, July 24, 2011

ST Junior turns 15!

Little Jairus is now a super active todder and many comment he looks exactly like papa!he walks and moves around really fast these days and yes he has earn a few bumps on his big head lately after falling off the sofa a couple of times.My little boy simply loves to walk on the edge of the sofa and nxt u knw what happen...He loves to play with shoes these days and will often pass u his shoes asking us to put it on for him so that he can go gaigai....we finally bought a safety lock for the shoes cabinet and toilet bowls haha.

Poor Baby has fallen ill a couple of times lately as both daddy and i have been taking turns to fall sick and little junior always catch the bug from us.he was coughing and sneezing so badly on a few occassions and i was too ill and tired to look after him.He also had many red spots on his body just the otehr day and i was so worried not knowing what was those as one doc said is dust mites bites the other say is hives and might be some allery reaction...anyway after the medication im glad he has recovered..Thank God for my mum that she is always here to take care of Jairus and us without any complaints.I love my mummy sooooo much... 

Jairus has so much teeth these days and i dont really dare to place my fingers in to check hw many teeth he has or clean his mouth because it really hurts when he bites...hee hee...

PRay that God will continue to bless the family with good health and let Jairus be a blessongs to those around him.Amen

Monday, July 18, 2011

Happy Blessed Birthday To Hubby!

Well, This is the second year we are celebrating daddy birthday with baby Jairus.Last year at this time he was only a 3 months old baby and we have no idea how time flies,he is now an 17 months active little bud.Last year as JAirus was still young we only went out for a Japanese Buffet which ended up with him crying almost half the dinner..This year i had a hard time thinking where to celebrate Hubby birthday.This man of mine definitely deserve a pamper,He has been sucha wonderful darling and a dedicated daddy.Definitely A man of few words but a dependable and responsible man.I cant imagine my life without him,im so glad he is mine.WInk WInk.

Anyway after searching high and low i managed to to book a weekend stay at QUINCY HOTEL for Daddy Birthday and YES we brought the little bud along. Jairus was so happy to be there,he was busy walking and exploring the place and yes the toilet was definitely his favourite spot,you can find him suspending himself at the bathtub or trying his luck to fish his hand into the toilet bowl. haha.Well we headed to town after we had the dinner.The meal was part of the package and there was quite a long list of food for us to choose and yes we went for the pasta and beef steak. There was also free flow of wines and soft drinks.Dinner was great!Thumbs up.After which we started walking to town to shop,and yes we did feel like some tourists at some point of time. The next day after our breakfast,we brought the little bud to the hotel swimming pool,i like the place as it was really quiet,mummy here is rather introvert and hate crowds especially when i do not hav a fantastic figure to flaunt at the pool,haha so this is just the prefect place for us.However  The water was rather cold and we were kinda contemplating whether to bring Jairus for a swim as he was having runny nose.In the end we decided to let him go for a short dip. I always love seeing him in the pool with daddy,he will be smiling non stop and this is definitely one of the father and son bonding activity!Baby Jairus used to be really scared of water,but now he has sort of overcome his fear,he loves to play with water even though he still doesnt like it when water touches his head.

After the swim,we went back and start to pack out lugguage,Baby Jairus was tired from the play and took a is time daddy and mummy to get some rest too,mummy is also sick and was unable to go to work for the past two days and it doesnt help that Jairus is also coughing very badly at night..

Soon,we had lunch at the hotel and check out from the hotel.9/10 for the stay.I would have given full marks if not they kept me waiting for45 mins when we check it,overall it was pleasant experience!Hope Daddy enjoyed the little surprise frm Jairus and I!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

14 months accomplisment!

Baby Jairus just turned 14 mths few days back and im glad im able to witness another milestone of his.This month he starts to walk without support and he giggles at every baby step he takes,i guess he finds walking really fun.He hardly crawl around these days and often u can spot him walking and exploring every corner of the house.He looks really cute when he walk however he doesnt feel very comfortable walking with shoes on,i guess he really need more practices and encouragement.Baby Jairus has been exremely close to me these days as i guess i have been spending more time with him lately since is the sch holiday also our family trip to Bangkok has indeed brought the family closer. I pray that when i return to work next week Jairus will not have not withdrawal symptoms or so ,Hopefully his grandparents can divert his attention.ANyway Bringing him overseas is a challenge these days but im glad we made it and by God's grace he behaved relatively well on the plane.

The little one also loves to clap his hands these days and he simply loves to smile and laugh,a very cheery baby indeed!He is also very vocal and expressive he will expresss himself through baby language or cries.The other day in Bangkok,Papa and i brought him to watch Kungfu panda 2, and he was crying away when he saw the evil looking vilians and fighting scenes,though Po is very adorable,i guess the show was too "violent"for him.Thank God the cinema was rather empty on a weekday.Jairus seems to hate or fear loud noise more,he starts to wail and appear to be very scared when i try to vacuum the floor or use the hair dryer.I hope this little one will overcome all these fears soon.May God continue to bless him with good health and keep him away from evil spirits.Amen.

Friday, May 27, 2011

what a Day...

Term 2 week 10 is the day i long for as it is the last day of semester however i am not elated at all.So far i guess this is the worst day of the year and i hope history wont repeat.I actually banged the car in the church carpark and goodness me i did not even see the pillar right in front of me,im not too sure was the carpark too dark or i was not paying attention at all,and just when i thought only the headlights were gone while i was making my way home i actually felt something dragging the ground.To my horror the whole bumper came off and there was no way i can drive the car home.i had to call a few numbers before i got my car tow away to the workshop.
And i had to rush back home to fetch joey to the vet.She was supposed to see the bone specialist to see if she needed an operation  and also to have her teeth scaled.At last i manage to get to the clinic. The vet mentioned this would be joey last teeth scaling as she is really very old and is not recommeded to be under GA again.My heart sank once baby girl is turning 14 and seems like she will be leaving me soon.After a few hrs of wait,the clinic finally called and im glad joey is awake,Amen.i spoke to the vet and she told me she extracted 2 teeth and what came worse was when she showed me her x ray results.joey bones are degenarating her spine,.hips and knees are giving her problems.this time i really cant hold my tears back,she was just a little puppy when i brought her back and i cant believe she is so old now.Doc recommene accupunture or cartrophen jabs for her to strenghten her muslces and also gave us some painkiller to give her as an when she need.

I feel really lousy today.the accident is going to cost quite a bit and now i may lose my dog anytime.I pray that Lord Jesus wont take baby joey away from us so soon.HEal her and take away all the pain and discomfort she has to go through.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

12 + 1=13 months

 Baby Jairus is now 13 months,Praise God...i never get tired playing or looking at him.No matter how tired i am after a long day at work he will never fail to bring a smile on my face.The little one is still not ready to walk but he is able to take 7 to 20 steps at a go and mummy is so proud of him.These days he knows the word head in eng and chinese,hello and bye bye,kiss, hug,pong pong, catch you,clap hands an etc.But this little fella still refuse to speak,i cant wait for him to call mummy or papa!and i wonder what will his first word be.This boy loves to smile an interact with people however he still doesnt like too much attention on him or ppl making loud noise,if u laugh too loudly or so he will start to cry.The other day papa and i brought him to hougang swimming pool and the moment we stepped into the pool this little one starte clinging on me refusing to go into the pool at all,he was so scared that he cry non stop when he saw the crowd at the matter how we try to entice or attract him into the water he simply refuse and soon it started pouring and we had no choice but to go home.papa and i hope that baby Jairus will overcome his fear soon.

Sunday, May 08, 2011

Happy Mother's Day 2011

Happy Mother's Day to all the great mummies in the world!!!hmmm is my second mother's day this year and im loving it because is another occasion where i get pampered by hubby again;) Papa has indeed given me a pleasant surprise this year, it has been a long time since he gave me flowers and to my surprise he actually sent a box of flowers to school this year.I was so delighted and touched by his gesture.Colleagues and friends all complimented on how sweet papa is.I have to agree papa has been putting in lotsa effort to cheer mummy up.Good effort papa.on mothers day morning papa brought us to have brunch at one twenty six at east coast,it was a breezy afternoon and i like the alfresco setting.It was our first time time and it was a good experience.the food was good and the weather was sunny.After that we sat on the beach for awhile and played with Jairus,Happiness doesnt cost money.Spending quality time with your loved ones on a lazy sunday afternoon is surely pure bliss,the only pity was joey girl was not around with us,I am sure she would love to walk in ECP  too.Thanks papa for everything;)

Monday, April 11, 2011

Jairus' First Safari Birthday 09/04/2011

It has been a terrible work week for me,these two weeks i hardly get to sit down and rest at God i started planning for his birthday months before if not i will definitely be going through a tough time.There were some hipcups for his birthday such as on the day itself we forgot to bring the CAMERA! i bought a new camera just for his birthday and i cant believe we actually did not bring along, next i realised i forgot to bring one balloon and  the cutest balloon started deflating and it looks pretty awful.Sigh, Hubby forgot to remind his sister to bring the playmat along.... n even days before the baker told me she couldnt bake a two tier cake that i wanted i was so disappointed.The cupcakes which i ordered as favours for the guests also did not turn out well.They look small and the workmanship was pretty bad, but the cute animals pics on it were the saving grace.Doubt i will order frm this baker again.Anyway Im thankful to God that the party turns out well eventually and i was glad that the week was over.

Baby Jairus has been very sticky to me these days and his separation anxiety is quite bad.He hardly allow anyone to carry him except for his grandparents and us.Hmmmon his birthday he was quite friendly initially smiling away to everyone and was rather happy however as he got tired he was abit cranky.So when everyone sang the Happy Birthday song he was crying away.haha.Once again,Panpac did not disappoint us,the food and spread was good and all my guests enjoyed themselves.Last but not least, Baby Jairus would like to say thank you to all the aunties and uncles for attending his party and showering him with all the presents and ang baos..

Mummy just wanna say Happy Birthday to you my darling boy,time flies and mummy cant believe you are actually 12 months old now.I love the way you cry,you smile,you crawl,you cruise ,you play peek a boo,the way u chase the dog and the way you sleep....I simply love everything about you.You are such a beautiful creation.I promise i  will continue to do my best in loving you, protecting you, and will always be there for you till the day im gone. It has been a wonderful journey and i believe we are going to have more beautiful memories as we grow together.

 Our God is an awesome God.Thank God for his blessings on little one and may Jairus grow up to be a God fearing man.May God continue to bless this child of his and may we teach and bring him up well.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

11 months going on 12

Oh my Jairus is offcially 11 mths in a mth time he is turning one and very soon he will not be a baby anymore but one little toddler.Well we have finally decided on the venue after months of recce,we are going back to Panpac where he had his first month celebration.However this time round there were more things to see to such as the kids goody bags,the birthday deco, the birthday cake,the invites,the guests favours and the list goes on...

I admit im a perfectionist so as much as i can i wil really like to make this celebration a memorable one for both the guests and myself.There were so many things i would like to do however due to budget i try to keep things glad daddy created a vpost account and we were able to ship so many items back.
crossing my fingers hard eveything will turn out well on his birthday.

But fat mama me will have to go on diet so that i dont look too bad in the pictures then  and i need to get new outfits too.haha.well i know im not the birthday boy but i believe i wil be carrying him most of the time so i should look good too.

A quick summary of baby jairus progress.This little imp crawls really fast these days and he loves walking (with support) around the house and also likes to do pole dancing on the fan too.He has learn to climb up and down the sofa so there are times he will just climb up the sofa to sit with daddy and mummy.On a few occasions he managed to get into the toilet n put his hand in the toilet bowl.yucks, was just telling hubby  imagine if we forgot to flush haha.He tends to fuss alot when he doesnt get his way and he seems short tempered just like mama.SHould we wanna dine in peace,we definitely must provide him with his entertainment TV and i really thank GOD for IPhone,one of the best gadgets i owned.I know he should not be watching too much cartoons so we try to control too.

well,jairus fell ill to weeks back.He was having high fever and diarrhea despite having the medince we gave him.The symtoms did not subside.he was drinking very little and was getting lethargic.Initially daddy and i wanna wait till mon to bring him to see the Pd however we decided to bring him to mount alvernia that very night.The doc told us baby was dehydrating and he needs to be on drip and as his stool has blood they suspect there was some infection in the body.The symtoms were similar to rota virus but thank God jairus had taken the oral vacine when he was much younger.Poor Jairus was crying so badly when they put the intravenous needle and to prevent him frm pulling it out which he did the very first time they bandaged his hands.he screams each time the nurse force the medicne down his throat that he develop a sore throat and cough during the stay.What make it worse was i actually caught the bug the following day,i was having fever diarrhea and i was throwing up non- stop.Initially i did not wanna see the doc however it was so bad that i felt i was about to faint and the diarrhea come every ten mins.

In the end,I was admitted and put on drip too...i was so worried that i cant stay by Jairus side to look after him thank god both my parents in law took turns to look after him while i was not around.I was not the only victim daddy and my sister also caught the bug and were down too.Fortunately theirs were not that severe.Anyway God has been really great, and with all the prayers showered on us and we have all fully recovered.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Jairus First CNY.....10 mths old..

It has been two months since i went back to work and my little boy is now 10 mths old.Indeed i have been spending lesser time with him these days but when im bk im 100% his.Wow these days he gives us heart attacks all the time,He could hardly sit in his pram.high chair ,stay in his playyard or play pen or so.With a few leaps and jumps all we can see is him suspending from a height,yes he may just fall n hurt himself goodnese he is just like a little money these days full on energy and life.he goes craling around the place exploring ened even pt his hair n stir the water in the toilet bowl.Yucks i dunno what is gonna be next.M and being the hysterical mummy i have been shouting DADDY! all the time...we are very sure he is going to be walking around pretty soon.

The other day he was just walking along the sofa and after a few seconds i see him seated comfortably on it.Yes he is now able to crawl up and down the sofa.we really need to fix the grilles soon.This little boy is so inquisitive n pick up all the little things he spot on the ground.This Chinese New Year was not really a pleasant time for him as he was cranky for that few days.He started crying whenever he sees unfamiliar faces and get really upset when people try to talk to him,He is usually a very friendly baby he does smile and play with others,however he doesnt really like it when one comes too near him or laugh too loudly,both daddy and i are very sure he will be wailing loudly on his one year old birthday when everyone starts to sing happy birthday song,

Daddy and i were trying to prepare him so these days we do clap n sing the birthday song to him,however whenever we do that he starts to pout n cry hahaha.Mummy hs been falling sick since i went back to work and these few days im down with a flu again.however from the past experience i try not to stay too close to jairus as i do not wish to pass the bug to him.My long awaited weekend is gonna be wasted

Friday, January 14, 2011

Baby Jairus Turns 9 months old!

                                                                          sleeping beauty
Our dearest darling boy is now 9 months old,what a 'big baby he is now'.I could hardly remember hw he look like when he was just a new borne n looking through the past months photos made me realise how fast this little one has grown..My helpless little baby is now really active and has been busy crawling and exploring around everywhere and he is also able to stand and walk with support.We really need to keep eagle eyes on him as he tends to pull down everything he sees.He has mastered the skill of stealing spectacles when he sees anyone wearing and yes i have a difficult time keeping them on my nose.

He loves dropping things from a height the moment u pick up the item for him there he goes again.he finds him fun and i guess is a good exercise for me too.Jairus is also able to throw and pick up ball and is really cute to watch him playing with balls.His motor skills are more refine now and he likes to use his index finger these days.hmmm we just found out our son is a real screamer,he is very vocal likes to baby talk alot and he screams really loud especially when he sees ppl leaving or when he is throwing a tantrum!hubby says is time to discipline the little one.

Poor Jairus was down with a fever and cold the other night,he had caught the evil flu bug from me.i felt so bad for passing the bug.Despite running a fever,having a diarrhea and having a runny nose this fella is still so happy n active.Feeding him medicine was the hardest chore as he simply hates it and refuse to swallow down the throat so we actually had to force it down the crying baby.Praise God jairus recovered pretty fast.but this poor fella had three falls within two days.The first time happened in the middle of the night 4am when i heard him wailing away,my goodness he actually rolled off at the foot of our bed.i felt so bad as minutes before i heard him fussing so i knew he was quite hungry but i was too lazy to wake up n  make milk.Never did i know he will fidget so much that he actually roll off the bed.The following day i brought him out to hv lunch with my sisters,they were playing with him n left him sitting on the table within sit second this super baby fell head down the bench and was crying away and yes his cries attracted the restaurant customers.The very next day,i left jairus in his father care n went to bathe.mins ltr in the toilet i heard the unusual cries again,yes i suspected he fell off the bed again as  he usually will  not cry in such a manner.I confirm my suspicions,daddy dozed off on the bed and poor baby did a stunt again.I was so afraid the three falls within those two days will really hurt or affect the little one.Thank God,,he is doing fine.For the next few days,we bought a mattress and the three of us were zzz on the mattress on the floor in jairus room.

Jairus baby,though mummy now needs to work i promise i will still be your best playmate and care giver.Once mummy reach home all my time is yours.please do not forget the private time we spent together for the past 9 months,those were the best times mummy had with you.please save your first step,first word,first hug for mummy you always my darling boy.
                                                        His favorite sitting position
                                                    hey mummy see i can get the control
                                                       When are you going to bring me out??