Tuesday, August 30, 2011

16 months and

Baby JAirus is now 16 mths,where did the time go?this poor boy has been hospitalized for the third time since he is born  and we are praying very hard that he will grow up to be a healthy boy.hmmm 16 months and still not talking?personally i do understand boys tend to speak later but when i read about how other kinds including boys at his age has started to talk i do wonder is there anything wrong with baby JAirus,especially just the other day the {D mentioned he should be saying 3 words now.And i tend to get really annoyed when ppl around me comment about him not speaking and how i shd be teaching him.Maybe im too sensitive or defensive but i really do feel uncomfortable when others comment abt him not speaking

Another concern here is Baby Jairus is really shy and afraid of loud noise.He is very selective when it comes to strangers and he can be extreme shy n uncomfortable when dealing with crowds,hence he simplay hate all the animals shows we have watched for the past year. and yes i finally can understand how A feel when she suspects her daughter had some special needs,A few of my friends encounter the same problems when their child startd speaking late and they chose to take leave to stay at home to interact and teach the child.Perhaps i  should really consider that as well.

Well the little one seems to be in love with THOMAS the train lately,just the other day when we brought him to kiddy palace he was so attracted to thomas and spent squite some time talking to the toys and when we brought him to other section to look at other toys,immediately he ran back to thomas again haha.that sight was really cute.Thank God he did not kick a fuss when we left the shop.on the other hand maybe he should fuss because daddy and mummy were about to relent and purchase the toy for him.Anyway we just bought him a Thomas and train set over the weekend,we hope he does not destroy that just like what he did with the ELC train set which was his birthday present.

May God continue to bless and oveflow Jairus with his wisdom, his favour,his grace and good health always,Amen!

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