Monday, July 18, 2011

Happy Blessed Birthday To Hubby!

Well, This is the second year we are celebrating daddy birthday with baby Jairus.Last year at this time he was only a 3 months old baby and we have no idea how time flies,he is now an 17 months active little bud.Last year as JAirus was still young we only went out for a Japanese Buffet which ended up with him crying almost half the dinner..This year i had a hard time thinking where to celebrate Hubby birthday.This man of mine definitely deserve a pamper,He has been sucha wonderful darling and a dedicated daddy.Definitely A man of few words but a dependable and responsible man.I cant imagine my life without him,im so glad he is mine.WInk WInk.

Anyway after searching high and low i managed to to book a weekend stay at QUINCY HOTEL for Daddy Birthday and YES we brought the little bud along. Jairus was so happy to be there,he was busy walking and exploring the place and yes the toilet was definitely his favourite spot,you can find him suspending himself at the bathtub or trying his luck to fish his hand into the toilet bowl. haha.Well we headed to town after we had the dinner.The meal was part of the package and there was quite a long list of food for us to choose and yes we went for the pasta and beef steak. There was also free flow of wines and soft drinks.Dinner was great!Thumbs up.After which we started walking to town to shop,and yes we did feel like some tourists at some point of time. The next day after our breakfast,we brought the little bud to the hotel swimming pool,i like the place as it was really quiet,mummy here is rather introvert and hate crowds especially when i do not hav a fantastic figure to flaunt at the pool,haha so this is just the prefect place for us.However  The water was rather cold and we were kinda contemplating whether to bring Jairus for a swim as he was having runny nose.In the end we decided to let him go for a short dip. I always love seeing him in the pool with daddy,he will be smiling non stop and this is definitely one of the father and son bonding activity!Baby Jairus used to be really scared of water,but now he has sort of overcome his fear,he loves to play with water even though he still doesnt like it when water touches his head.

After the swim,we went back and start to pack out lugguage,Baby Jairus was tired from the play and took a is time daddy and mummy to get some rest too,mummy is also sick and was unable to go to work for the past two days and it doesnt help that Jairus is also coughing very badly at night..

Soon,we had lunch at the hotel and check out from the hotel.9/10 for the stay.I would have given full marks if not they kept me waiting for45 mins when we check it,overall it was pleasant experience!Hope Daddy enjoyed the little surprise frm Jairus and I!

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