Sunday, July 24, 2011

ST Junior turns 15!

Little Jairus is now a super active todder and many comment he looks exactly like papa!he walks and moves around really fast these days and yes he has earn a few bumps on his big head lately after falling off the sofa a couple of times.My little boy simply loves to walk on the edge of the sofa and nxt u knw what happen...He loves to play with shoes these days and will often pass u his shoes asking us to put it on for him so that he can go gaigai....we finally bought a safety lock for the shoes cabinet and toilet bowls haha.

Poor Baby has fallen ill a couple of times lately as both daddy and i have been taking turns to fall sick and little junior always catch the bug from us.he was coughing and sneezing so badly on a few occassions and i was too ill and tired to look after him.He also had many red spots on his body just the otehr day and i was so worried not knowing what was those as one doc said is dust mites bites the other say is hives and might be some allery reaction...anyway after the medication im glad he has recovered..Thank God for my mum that she is always here to take care of Jairus and us without any complaints.I love my mummy sooooo much... 

Jairus has so much teeth these days and i dont really dare to place my fingers in to check hw many teeth he has or clean his mouth because it really hurts when he bites...hee hee...

PRay that God will continue to bless the family with good health and let Jairus be a blessongs to those around him.Amen

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