Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Xmas Party 2009

xmas @germaine & Ian Place
Xmas is a time of sharing and giving and each year i love forward to spending these moments with my loved ones and friends.i love to set up the xmas tree and pile up pressies under it haha.im waiting for the day my dear husband place a nicely wrapped pressie under the xmas tree to surprise me and i wonder when will the day come?5 years or 10 yrs time? here are some pictures...

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

KRabi 2009....

Thank God for school holiday as this is the time for teachers to rest and regain our sanity before another hectic year begin.This year hubby and I decided to go to krabi for a getaway, as much as i would like to go for a longer and further holiday i knw we can only only go for a short break as there is no bonus this year and also we needa save money as we are preparing for the arrival of Baby Jairus.

Well thank god that my ankle has more or less recovered frm the bad sprain if not guess i wont be able to go for the trip.However these days my finger joints and soles hurt alot alot....guess im suffering frm really bad water retention.i can hardly bend my fingers and i have to soak my hands and feet in hot water to relieve the pain and discomfort.

The only thing i hate about travelling is i cant stand the suffering my poor ears go through each time on the air plane..On the way to thailand in the plane my ear hurts so much so that i cried for 15-20 mins.I have never felt so bad before and the pain from my ears actually went to my head and it seems lmy blood vessel is gonna burst anytime.hubby got a shock when he saw me crying though he tried to comfort me i still felt very shitty.

anyway hubby and i went kayaking in krabi sea and i will say i really feel amazing im already 5-6 mths yet i can kayak for few hours with that stomach of mine.In the afternoon we went elephant trekking and it was quite a scary yet fun experience.we felt that we can fell off frm the seat each time the elephant makes its way down the steep path in the forest.there were no security measures and when i sat on the elephant i wonder y did i spend money to scare myself,

The following day hubby actually wanted to go snorkelling with me.However this time round i rejected his requeat.FIrstly i cant swim and  secondly im pregnant hence i dunno if is appropriate or safe for me to carry out such heroic act afterall i need to be responsible for Jairus safety i should not put him to any risk.Of cuz hubby is always nice n he doesnt force me.So we decided to do something more relaxing,we signed up for a thai cooking class haha.It was really fun but there were so much food that we cant finish what a pity.Here are some photos to share with all of you.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

COngrats to Dear Ed & Joan 19th Dec 2009

Today is Ed & Joan Big Day! Im so glad that the two of them are able to tie the knot..Ed is so blessed to have Joan as his wife.This beautiful gal fren of mine is a gem...i really love her for who she is.
Though hubby and i overslept this morning,we were glad that we were able to reach the church in time.My goodness we are the receptionist and the ang bao box is also with us cant imagine if we were late...Thank God.Seems like it was only yesterday when we had ED & Joan to be our wedding emcees, so tis time round is pay back time hubby and i had to be their wedding emcess.wishing them a lifetime of happiness!

Monday, November 09, 2009

It's a Boy!

The Sze Tohs are expecting a baby BOy!Tiger Boy is definitely better than Mu lao hu.haha.

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Hi beanie

Hi beanie..today is the first time daddy and mummy saw you...you are finally 6.9cm.the last time i saw you you were only 1 cm hence mummy couldnt remember anything abt you except for that racing hearbeat.Doctor ho says you are doing well and should be abt 12 weeks old..daddy and mummy can see your little fingers,your big head ,eyes,ears and nose.You looked kinda cute floating in there.Daddy says you are very active can be a gymnast in future.

You have been a darling for the past three months,mummy doesnt hv any morning sickness except that i hv been falling sick quite often.The nose has been giving me some problems n i cant seemed to zzz at night..Please be a good baby and i pray that God will bless you with good health and that mummy will be able to work and function like normal. Love you little one.

Friday, September 18, 2009

THis Is It!!!

AFter 5 years of part- time studies and work I have finally finished my SIM journey...Praise be to God...It has been really stressful for the last few months as i was struggling with my final year disertation work and driving classes.I am so thankful I had Mdm Jin to help me along the way otherwise It would have been so much more terrible.im intimidated by my supervisor as she has very high expectations and the worst part is im quite slack and i do not take initiatives to approach her....have been "buttered" by her a few times...n i always end up complaining to hubby...Just hope the emplacement will come quickly and i hope all the time and effort are worth.

A Big Thank you to hubby for being there for me all these years,especially the days he spent hours waiting for me outside the lecture hall and fetching me to and fro school.The day i had the dialogue session with the panel he was again with me encouraging me...N i feel so blessed that im the only student whose husband is seating out there waiting for me..Thanks Munn. Love you.

ANyway, THis IS IT...No more studies for me..the thought of it makes me throw up!

Sunday, September 06, 2009

NAsi LEmak Here WE Come!!

T0day is my 27th Birthday N im feeling abit stoned....for the past few days my nose has been giving me problem seems like pregnancy increase nasal congestion...We had A Nasi LEmak PArty for the KakiS! There was full attendance(except for ah wee who needs to work) and everyone turned up (of cuz nvr on time haha) . AFraid that there wont be enough food i got hwa to get some hotdogs and i also cooked fried eggs in addition.My goodness Li has such a HUge Appetitie or shd i say Fetish for EGGS....Her eyes sparkle when she saw the eggs...i bet little CLara who is in mummy womb will get high on egg too! IAn was sweet to bring homemade cookies which he baked that morning it tasted real goood..yummy .How many man can bake cookies in the first place..?

The babies are so cute they turned up in MICKEY MOUSE outfit and they brought so much joy to the aunties who nvr grow tired playing with them...Poor aden had a fall from the bed n he cried so loudly.. *sayang* I could feel the pain as im aware my bed is very high n he must have had a bad fright falling in the dark dark room...

As usual the women had a great time catching up or even gossiping...lulu was nice to make an effort to order the birthday cake frm RIVE..Knowing that i like the strawberry shortcake, on top of the chocolate cake she ordered a slice of strawberry shortcake just for me so that i can savour...

We had a great time celebrating ying and my birthday but it was a pity that ying had to leave much earlier.....Thank God for FRIENDS!!!!

Saturday, September 05, 2009


sukiyaki steamboat..YUMMY...

I wonder where is ah seok??

thanks XX for the pressie...I luv it..

It has been long long time since the OL gang get together at atrina...well we had my 27th birthday party today.It was the first time we had shabu shabu sukiyaki at my place...A big thanks to dear JAs for doing the grocery shopping with me the day before as i was pretty clueless what to get!We had a great party that nite>Joan was so sweeet to get 3 tubs of Ben n Jerrys ice cream Yummy..XX bought lotsa snacks and she bought a cute scrapook for me so i can note baby journey..that was so sweeet of her!as usual AH Seok is forever late n therefore was ridiculed by the whole gang that night maybe i was the most mean to her.We had lotsa of food that we couldnt finish n im surprised ED ate so little maybe he is on diet for his wedding haha.This gang always get HIGH on Wii games...they are forever energetic and can laugh non- stop...JAS N XX are the renowned ENERGISER BUNNIES...Shang was so nice to stay till real late to help Munn with his laptop.We really appreciate it.May Abba father bless this group of cute boys and girls.

Im thankful to have friends like that i hope when little sze toh is out i will still be able to have parties like this!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Do you WAnna Hear the Good News Or BAd News First??

I have a piece or good news and bad news to share with all my loved ones...Alright let me get straight to the point..the BAD BAD news is i FAILED my driving test...SOb SOb...is sucha waste of money and time..Most importantly it was my 2009 resolution i hate to experience failure sucks.though i wasnt very confident i will pass at the first attempt everything went so smoothly at the warm up session n the practise sessions the day before. ALso the tester was extremly nice how could i be so dumbo to hit two poles at the parallel parking! WTF...n now i dunno when will i be retaking my test and when will i be able to fufil my new year resoultion??

Well,My adomen has been feeling funny these days..it feels crampy at the side something like stomach cramp...n my menses is missing too.I decided to get a test kit but i wasnt placing too much hope as my menses had been super irregular and i have been damn stressed for the past month plus no way i will conceive! after the urine test,i could not really tell if is a positive sign as the marking is quite faint.but after a visit to the gynae my scan results shows that Im PREGNANT!!!! wow it sounded too good to be true...if everthing goes well My EDD will be nest APRIL! which means i wun be around for our 50th anniversary and also i will not be around when EV team cums in.what a perfect timing !! praise god for the little beanie!!!

Anyway i still dun quite believe im expecting as it hasnt kinda sink in also i dun really feel anything different! btw i actually used three test kits n a visit to the gynae to confirm the pregnacy haha!!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Is My BirTHdAy TOO!!!

Hello everyone Im Joey the dog...this is the first time im speaking on this blog as my owner feels i should not be that anti social after 12 yrs...fine fine as it is my birthday i agree to do so.It has been a long long time since they bought me a birthday cake the last time i had a cake it burnt my whiskers n i got a bad fright since..anyway i cant really be bothered as i do not fancy cakes however im glad im having one today!The best part is my favourite gor gor's birthday is only 1 day away from mine.so we sort of had a combined birthday celebration with them feasting at the table and my favourite sister feeding me chicken meat from the corn soup.
sister Jo complained is a hassle to buy me birthday pressie as im not into anything. So in the end she got me a bottle of green liquid to be added into my water which has dental benefits.Oh my goodness that green liquid really stink my WATEr...i was so thirsty after the walk yet i cant bring myself to drink that.What a birthday pressie!ANyway i know they all love me lotsa... so what else can i ask for?WOOf woof....

Monday, July 20, 2009

Happy Birthday Hubby!

This year i decided to surprise Hubby by spending his birthday with him at somewhere nice n cosy n different! hence i actually booked a 2 days 1 night stay at Kranji farm Resort...well well the place is relatively nice,the accomodation was pretty relax and clean...The dinner we had was also very good,the fish was fresh n i love the tase of the tofu.It was also the first time hubby and i tried prawn fishing,My goodness i never expected that we would do so badly, after seating there for 1 hr we did not even fish a single prawn and when we returned the fishing rods the boss gave us a shock look when he knew that we did not manage to fish anything since our pail is empty haha.

 However we were not pleased with the resort service hence i doubt i will be gg back anymore.

FOr instance we took a package which indicated free welcoming drink...free 10 mins food massage...free papers blahblahblah however there were no welcoming drinks and no one brief us abt the massage n the worst part was when i booked the package i requested for a birthday cake for munn.It was meant to be a surprise however ended up we had no cake at all...when i call them they say will deliver by Blah blah then we waited then i call again and they say they hv no cakes..i was so angry that i jumped... scolded the staff and manager told me lots of cock n bull stories n asked if i really needed the cake.But there were only a few hrs more n we need to check out and since i wasnt desperate abt the cake i told them to FORGET IT..n when i mentioned i wasnt given any welcoming drink at all he gt them delivered to my room.WTH...is their customer service based on"ask and u will be given"

SIgh..my second surprise for hubby was also ruined...it was the first time i decided to order a birthday cake and send it to him at RP so that he get to spend his birthday with his colleagues...However the day before he told me he is actually gg for a workshop which means he wun be in sch for the next three days.I nearly fainted...I even chided him for nt informing me earlier n i felt the ache that all my effort n money has gone to a waste.I even paid alot more for delivery...so to end the long story ,his colleagues had the birthday cake without him.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Father's Day 2009 21st June 2009

Today is a very important day as first of all is YIng and Wee big day,This 2 lovebirds have dated more than a decade and im so happy that they finally tied the knot.Secondly, today is also Ling's Birthday last but not least today is father's day!And im so glad today papa came back as well and . we had a small celebration and today is also the first time munn is joining as a son- in- law.I miss bro though. Anyway I knw papa and mama love Munn just like their own son and i hope Munn will also love and respect them as his own parents too.

In the evening we went to tian wai tian for papa all time favourite fish head steamboat.As usual the queue was soooo looong,Stella n I stood there and perspired for 45 mins before it was our turn to order.We felt like we were in sauna.there was so much food that we even has to tapow home.The food is good and the prices are reasonable as well.when we got home mum was bk too we then had cake cutting my goodness i cant even recall when was the last time we bought dad a cake.Lucy bought a lychee martini cake from Pine garden and this was my wedding cakes as well so i was really excited to be able to taste them after a year.I insisted to take pic even though im damn fat these days and my sisters refused,however i really wanna them for memory sake.Frankly speaking we dun even have many family pic so how could i let this chance go by.we took a few shots and i would say they loook so good.FOr once mum came to pose on her own and she was willing to take pic with dad and us...i was so surprised!

ANyway i had a great evening ...tomorrow i will be having round 2 fathers day dinner with my in- laws.AT the rate we feast how can i ever lose weight.

Our 1St wedding Anniversary..Yippee!! 7th June 2009


Times passes so fast..Munn n i just celebrated our first wedding anniversary.Initially we balloted for a bungalow as we wanted to share our joy with our friends and loved ones however we did not manage to get it.Anyway we decided on a 3 days 2 nights getaway to malaysia as Munn is bz with work so we decided to go to Pork DIckson.

Overall I will say this is a good trip as firstly we managed to drive our way up without any map nor losing our way .Secondly the resort was rather nice and the spa place was so cool.Thirdly after we departed form Pork DIckson we drove to Malacca Jonkor street for durian chendol.it was rather yummy but i heard it was not the authentic.AFterwich we drove to gelang Pateh to meet up with Mr and Mrs TAy.As usual they were very hospitable and treated us to a seafood dinner.The sight of CRAB really freak me out as we have been having that for the past three dinners.think i wun be craving for CRAB for the next few months. Afterwhich they brought us to their place where we had some beer and lotsa yummy durian during the chit chat session.Before we left spore Mr and Mrs Tay passed us one big bag of durian which they have brought for us...it was a lovely gesture and is heartening to have friends like them.Though they are in the sixties they are so young at heart and live life to their fullest.WHen Munn and I grow old i wanna be just like them travelling around,enjoying life and most importantly be there for each other always...

Thank God for seeing us through this past year.Praise be to God.

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Happy Mother's Day 2009

母亲节快乐!妈妈我爱你!Bought this cake from Royals....tastes yummy!Thank God for mothers who are our guardian angels!

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Family FUn Day 2009

Is the Annual OLGC Family Fun Day again..im so glad that this year i dont have to wake up so early since punggol park is so near my place..Im sure joey gal had a great day today.As i was in charge of a polariod stall joey gal was my model today,whoever wanna take a shot with my pretty maltese must pay a minimal fee of 5 bucks!haha this pretty gal of mine was so adorable and there were so many people who were attracted to her.Im sure Joey had a wonderful time as well. Thnaks to maltese, our stall managed to earn quite abit.

an exhausted joey after a day of work

Monday, February 16, 2009


hmm my new year resolution for the year will be

1) i wanna get my licence ..this is something which i have procrastinated for years and im glad i finally sign up last week just hope my money will be spent worthwhile afterall it gonna costs me a few k...
2)AFter 5 years of slogging,last min submission of TMA and scary examinations which drive me nuts im glad im now in the final stage...hurray...those days are horrible and skipping classes always made me feel bad but im glad i managed to clear all the modules...Praise be to God..Dissertation is what im left with now but i do need some inspiration on what to write.i need my emplacement badly...
3) I wanna be a better wife,daughter,daughter- in- law,sister,friend,owner, teacher.colleague and most importantly a more obedient disciple...
4) Time for me to lose weight...too many gatherings,too many celebrations and too many lame excuses for not exercising.

well well thats all for now..a lazy person like me shall not be too greedy!