Monday, June 22, 2009

Father's Day 2009 21st June 2009

Today is a very important day as first of all is YIng and Wee big day,This 2 lovebirds have dated more than a decade and im so happy that they finally tied the knot.Secondly, today is also Ling's Birthday last but not least today is father's day!And im so glad today papa came back as well and . we had a small celebration and today is also the first time munn is joining as a son- in- law.I miss bro though. Anyway I knw papa and mama love Munn just like their own son and i hope Munn will also love and respect them as his own parents too.

In the evening we went to tian wai tian for papa all time favourite fish head steamboat.As usual the queue was soooo looong,Stella n I stood there and perspired for 45 mins before it was our turn to order.We felt like we were in sauna.there was so much food that we even has to tapow home.The food is good and the prices are reasonable as well.when we got home mum was bk too we then had cake cutting my goodness i cant even recall when was the last time we bought dad a cake.Lucy bought a lychee martini cake from Pine garden and this was my wedding cakes as well so i was really excited to be able to taste them after a year.I insisted to take pic even though im damn fat these days and my sisters refused,however i really wanna them for memory sake.Frankly speaking we dun even have many family pic so how could i let this chance go by.we took a few shots and i would say they loook so good.FOr once mum came to pose on her own and she was willing to take pic with dad and us...i was so surprised!

ANyway i had a great evening ...tomorrow i will be having round 2 fathers day dinner with my in- laws.AT the rate we feast how can i ever lose weight.

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