Wednesday, December 23, 2009

KRabi 2009....

Thank God for school holiday as this is the time for teachers to rest and regain our sanity before another hectic year begin.This year hubby and I decided to go to krabi for a getaway, as much as i would like to go for a longer and further holiday i knw we can only only go for a short break as there is no bonus this year and also we needa save money as we are preparing for the arrival of Baby Jairus.

Well thank god that my ankle has more or less recovered frm the bad sprain if not guess i wont be able to go for the trip.However these days my finger joints and soles hurt alot alot....guess im suffering frm really bad water retention.i can hardly bend my fingers and i have to soak my hands and feet in hot water to relieve the pain and discomfort.

The only thing i hate about travelling is i cant stand the suffering my poor ears go through each time on the air plane..On the way to thailand in the plane my ear hurts so much so that i cried for 15-20 mins.I have never felt so bad before and the pain from my ears actually went to my head and it seems lmy blood vessel is gonna burst anytime.hubby got a shock when he saw me crying though he tried to comfort me i still felt very shitty.

anyway hubby and i went kayaking in krabi sea and i will say i really feel amazing im already 5-6 mths yet i can kayak for few hours with that stomach of mine.In the afternoon we went elephant trekking and it was quite a scary yet fun experience.we felt that we can fell off frm the seat each time the elephant makes its way down the steep path in the forest.there were no security measures and when i sat on the elephant i wonder y did i spend money to scare myself,

The following day hubby actually wanted to go snorkelling with me.However this time round i rejected his requeat.FIrstly i cant swim and  secondly im pregnant hence i dunno if is appropriate or safe for me to carry out such heroic act afterall i need to be responsible for Jairus safety i should not put him to any risk.Of cuz hubby is always nice n he doesnt force me.So we decided to do something more relaxing,we signed up for a thai cooking class haha.It was really fun but there were so much food that we cant finish what a pity.Here are some photos to share with all of you.

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