Wednesday, September 01, 2010

The Sze Tohs are down..

Baby Jairus has not been sleeping well these few nights,on 25th Aug, wed night he actually zzz at 11 plus and woke up at 2am.Afterwhich he refuses to go back to bed hence poor mum had to play with him till 4 plus.I was not in deep zzzz hence i could hear his voice in my room.I chided him for being naughty  and grab him back to my room so that mum can have some decent sleep as she still need to work the following day,Back in my room the little bub still refuse to zzz,i did not play with him and just watch him quietly by the side.He finally KO around 6 plus in the morning,It has been a long time since jairus wake up and play in the wee hours.After  he turned 3 mths each night he will zzz around 1o -11 plus and will only wake up for milk at night,hence i find his behaviour was abnormal.

27th  Aug,Thursday after mum left work,i found jairus to be extremely sticky to me, he wants to be carried most of the time and i thought he was quit feverish.However as he was still able to eat(appetite reduced) n smile and play i thought he was fine.After my tuition tat night,we  even brought jairus and joey down for a walk.About ten plus we put him to zzz.Suddenly he woke up from his zzz crying very badly and unconsolable,both daddy and i tried carrying and pacifying him but it did not work.he was crying and coughing till he threw up and that was the point we decided to rush him to KK hospital.

 By the time we reach KK it was 12 am and to my surprise he was running a temperature of 38.9 my goodness it was actually a high fever!slap forehead how could i fail to notice my baby is so sick and worse i did not even take his temperature.while waiting for the doc i was sponging him and the doc advised
him to be admitted as jairus has not been drinking much and they r worried that he might be the time he was in the ward it was 3 am, he was extremely tired and irritable and couldnt stop crying when the nurse carried him.Poor daddy had to drive home and bring both baby and my barang to the hospital.while waiting for daddy, i carried jairus in my arms thats when he fell asleep.I did not zzz the whole night as i was sponging him and at 6am his temperature 39.1.He has started coughing and sneezing too.

the next day he did a head scan,a blood test and a nose swab and the results show that he is down with viral infection and it will take him a few days to recover.anyway we were glad that he need not be put on drip and was able to discharge on saturday evening.However by saturday i could feel that im falling sick too and yes i fell sick for the next few days tooo however as i still need to take care of him, i had to put on a mask as im afraid to spread the bug to him.However i felt extremely tired and weak the next few days.Thank god daddy was on child sick leave hence he was able to take care of jairus if not i do not think i will be able to cope.

Hee hee just when i was recovering,it was daddy's turn to fall sick again.sigh.

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