Tuesday, September 14, 2010

the little bub turns 5 mths old!

Baby jairus is now 5 mth old and can now flip on his stomach.However when he is on his stomach too long he get frustrated and will start to fuss.he can flip very fast and on a couple on occassion he nearly roll down the sofa.thank god i managed to catch him.he is getting stonger each day and when he kicks in to my face or body it can really hurt.He is also very responsive and  likes to make coo and mmmm sounds.he likes to use his fingers and little hand to grab whatever he sees and put it in his little mouth. He also has many new and cute expressions these days.On good days when he is friendly he smiles at everyone and allow anyone to carry him,however on days when he does  not have enough  zzz.he will start to get cranky.these few nights he has been zzz through and i really feel the difference when he does not wake up for milk in the wee hours.lets hope  this sustain.He has lost some weight after his discharge and everyone commented how skinny he is.He hs been drinking more these days and i hope my little bub will be chubby once again!Jairus has brought so much joy and love to me and all,he has also brought my family closer.Im thankful for this beautiful child.

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