Sunday, September 05, 2010

My 28th Birthday (Part 1)

My goodness im actually 28 years old this year,cant believe time actually passes so fast after you turned 18.This year is a special year for me as it is the first time i will be spending my birthday with my darling precious baby-Jairus.Of cuz not forgetting my sweetheart munn.Birthday celebrations used to be held in disco with several crazy hours of dancing and drinking or in ktv singing for hours.Those were the days now im definitely too old for that!

Now to me the best birthday celebration is spending time with your loved ones over makan sessions.I cherish my family and friends alot.This year i co- celebrated my birthday with xueying at Garden Slug.Wow the table was filled with 13 adults and 5 kiddos,we could hardly interact with each individual however we still had a great time laughing and crapping over lunch.Food was not too bad however i guess the air con was not really working hence the place was quite warm and a few of us were actually perspiring away.Baby jairus obviously does not know is mummy birthday and attention on him was more than the birthday gal

In the evening, we went to paragon with mummy and sisters for dinner.After much thinking we finally decided to tried the imperial treasure super peking duck.Yes the name itself reveal we were there for the DUCK.To be frank everyone commented the duck was great however as i was recovering from a cold i could hardly taste anything,what a pity.The place looks nice the ambience was good however i was not very pleased with the service though.Hubby orded a soup n it did not come and when we asked the service staff, he insisted we did not order,i was rather pissed and it took them real long to serve us the soup.Well since we are paying so much  i expect better  service!hmmm the duck was great but a few other dishes was disappointing,i actually ordered a dish with a fanciful name and to my horror it was actually yong tau foo.Goodness and we paid 20 plus for five piece yong tau foo,i felt conned.Another disappointing dish was the nan ru zhu rou,yuck, it was a deep fried dish and the pork was so fat and oily,we cant taste the nan ru and yes we did not even finish that dish.
After dinner,we walked ard paragon and we decided to go to bakerzin for dessert and coffee,we had a great time taking pic with one another and chit chatting, the evening was lovely.Thank god for sisters!it feels so good to be the youngest as my two sisters do dote on me alot and of cuz everyone loves Jairus!

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