Wednesday, December 24, 2008

babies of the year 2008

well well as the year is coming to an end...There are 4 new faces in my life and i bet they will be receiving lots of pressies and angbaos from uncle munn and I as they grow up. They are gonna be the big sisters and brothers of my future kids..lets welcome the little "golden mice" of the year..

1 Calista Yap
2 Megan Choo
3 Jovan Tan
4.Aiden leung

our 1st xmas PArty 2008

It feels good to have your own place as you can organize as many parties and gatherings as you wish....Well we just had our First xmas and gift exchange party with my OL gang last nite...despite the fact that munn n i just touched down yesterday morning.. we were still able to do the laundry do grocery shopping whipped up the dishes and had a real good time laughing our hearts out....we have not had such a gathering for a long time and is a pity that S & CH cant turn up..The food and dessert was good except that i screw up the asparagus the only pity was that the duration for the party was too short.We ended at 12 midnight as the guys need to work the following morning.but due to jet lag munn n i only managed to zzz around 3 plus.We definitely gonna make this an annual party and i look forward to knowing Shang n bran better !

Sunday, December 07, 2008

House warming

well Munn n i finally had our first official house warming.It was an afternoon tea , Nintendo wii cum majong session.after playing wii i was so high that i cant zzz the whole night...Tina brought her 2 darlings to the place n i bet they had a great time J was so adorable even when he was frowning he is such a lovely pie....hmmmm we had chicken pies and cakes form Royals,canapes and sandwiches from delifrance,crackers with dips,chicken sausages and spinach quiches made by me and also muffins with courtesy from germaine....we had so much food that we did even had dinner...Thank GOd for these beautiful and loyal friends that he has created.....last but not least thanks folks for gracing this occasion with your presence and your gifts.

Monday, December 01, 2008


Hurray im going to south AFrica for my honeymoon!After much fretting and phone calls we finally managed to join another agency who offer the same itinery to SA howeve r we are paying more compared to the previous agency.going for this trip ia gonna burn a big big big hole in our pockets but we had no other alternatives as well as new zealand, america,australia tours are all fully booked....Im looking forward to my honeymoon...

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thanksgiving Day

on this thanksgiving day, We want to thank God for sending Jesus
Christ to die for us and to be our Saviour. We thank that He is also our
good Shepherd all these years.Our Lord Jesus is faithful and he will never fail us.He loves us
more than we think or imagine...he has shown me the power of prayers and the power of love .

Always remember Love the Lord Your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your mind and love for all mankind as you will love yourself.

Today I would like to thank God for all the wonderful blessings that he has brought to me all these years especially in the yr 2008.I thank God for my baptism,my wonderful husband,My beautiful house,my parents- in- law n sis- in- law,My honeynoom trip,my exam results,my loving parents and sis,my kakis and friends and last but not least a country that is safe and peaceful to live in.

I pray for those family who have lost their loved ones in the recent terrorist attack in Mumbai, Lord grant them the strength to live on and move on in life,lessen their sufferings,lift these families up and help them to go through this difficult period.May these souls rest in peace and there will be no further victims in this bloodshed.....

Thursday, November 20, 2008

congrates to HWa & LI...20th NOv...2008

After 8 yrs of courtships and all the ups and downs in their relationship , my best friend is finally tying the knot with the only MAN on earth that can stand her laziness, ignorance,lethargy and the list goes on and on ... haha in any case Hwa's fate is sealed so i shall not further comment .anyway congrats to Hwa N Li o n their marriage.....the wedding was a simple and intimate affair with only close friends and relatives.The room and set up was beautiful.Oriental was definitely a great choice...

the three sisters.......

THE PRETTY BRIDE and some extras......

Monday, November 10, 2008

Term 4 Week 10

It has been a long time since i last blogged...praise the lord school term is finally coming to an end...Im so proud of my my P2 gals as they have all made vast improvements compared to SA1 and yes i love this bunch of naughty kids though they are the famous class that drive all teachers nuts...Im gonna miss this class...As for my Primary 3 kids i cant seem to bond with them as i can tell they are all very afraid of me and they hv no interest in the subject.Well if i do take them next year hope things will improve...As for my Primary 6 kids i just pray that they will fare well in their PSLE and they will be able to get into the school of their choice.

Im so glad that the holidays are coming it has been a long time since i NUA at home...March holiday i was down with wedding photo shoots and courses..June I was down with wedding...september i was down in Shandong..Well this has been a real hectic year for me but nonetheless i really had fufiling year....A year which will leave me beautiful memories.

Im gg South Africa in 4 weeks time for my long awaited honeymoon....though i wish that we can go NZ and be away for a longer time still im glad we are able to go to SA and be back to spend xmas with family and friends....I Will wanna take lotsa pictures on this trip...Thank God for the coming holiday!

Wednesday, August 06, 2008


Moodiness gets into me every other day which i dunno why...sometimes i wonder if im in the right career and was it a wise choice to go for a degree which i have no interest in and why is my pay so meagre blah blah blah...Being negative is unhealthy and i know is a choice but i do wonder am i just like bro.perhaps we are borned negative...but at the same time i know im well-loved by God, hubby,family and friends.. and i knw life is not that bad after all. Perhaps saturn is the cause of eveything...hmmmm GO AWAY!!!

Friday, August 01, 2008

Mr & Mrs Procrastinate

Mr and Mrs Procrastinate is a blessed couple who live in a humble flat in spore.Their place looks great except that is kind of getting dirty.Mrs Procrastinate feels she can always pack the place tomorrow.Leaving with no choice Mr Procrastinate has to clean the house once a week and at the same time Mr and Mrs Procrastinate has been talking about their house warming before they got their flat and to date they cant decide if they wanna have one....Mrs Procrastinate would also love to develop her wedding pic and personalise thank you cards for her friends but to date she still cant find the time...Mrs Procrastinate is pulling her hair these days as she is overwhelmed with markings and her assignments are all due soon.At the same time Mr procrastinate is busy crafting problems for his work...Mr and Mrs Procrastinate has been talking about their honeymoon to New Zealand in Dec however they have yet to book anything..Well Mrs Procrastinate wonder will They be able to go for their tour...

Monday, July 21, 2008

Mr and Mrs SIk

ooooo.....This is a real sweet love story...boy and gal met in secondary school.Gal found the guy cute whereas the guy found the gal looking too "Man"haha hence nothing happen to the two of them and after sec days they no longer see each other...however more than ten years down the road friendster actually brought boy and gal together....this time round,the ugly duckling has evolved into a beautiful SQ swan..

well like every other fairy tale i do not have to continue the story...yes they are finally hitched. Im so happy for this dear gal.Still remember the days when we were both heart broken we will be wailing like mad....either behaving cranky in KTV lounge or disco as if the world has come to an glad such days have finally come to an end..

COngrats to the newly weds MR and Mrs SIK!!!

Monday, July 07, 2008

JoeY In wHIte

Man's Best Friend!

since young i was always praying that i will own a white fluffy little poochie n true enough god gave me one when i was 15. I always remember the day i fell in love with this beautiful maltese who has big lovely eyes . She has been an amazing pet for the past 10 years and my whole family is so gaga in love with her.she is such darling who has brought so much joy to us.
It has always been my wish to have Joey gal with me when i have my wedding pic taken and since i cant bring her with me to the bridal shop i decided to bring her back to backdoor-Pet photography.The last time Dann did a great job and i really love the pictures.

As i borrowed the dress frm Disire i was able to have a photo session with Munn N MUm N JOEy gal...she loves the place and she was so lovely.Infact i think she looks better than the Groom and Bride..I know i did not look very good but still My wish came true..joey looks so sweet...I will always remember these moments..Lord Thank u for ur beautiful creation

Monday, June 09, 2008

Amara Sanctuary 8th June 2008

Im glad we had the wedding in two days as the night before i did not zzz a wink hence was rather stoned on the wedding day itself.Once again i wanna thank all friends and relatives for gracing this occassion.Both Munn and i hope you enjoyed the dinner.Thanks Ju for the beautiful hand bouquet which you did personally.
my lovely emcees

Marriage is a Covenant...7th June 2008

Wedding cake from Pine Garden

Thank God for Munn....Thank God for the beautiful wedding though there were some hiccups here and there...Thank God for his abundant blessings on us..Im so blessed..

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Is my Hen's Party!

In a few days time, is gonna be my big big day...hence the ol gang decided to have a night of fun with fact this is the first time the five of us are going pubbing...we first met up for dinner at vivo city before we proceeded to st james station for some drinks..We had so much fun that nite, was kinda surprised to see how dear J behaved when she is high..haha. 
hmmm what was ms lim thinking?

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Our Love NEst

Atrina is finally Borne....a beautiful baby that cost a bomb.well the reno has been smooth except for the facts that the air con installation was giving me problems n there were some hiccups here n there...Anyway praise the lord for his goodness and generosity he has given Munn n I an express home...

My parents in law have been very helpful n supportive as our house was only ready a few days before wedding,mil n Fil actually took time off to clean n pack the house for us and i really appreciate that.Thank God for my parents in law..Munn has been very stressed this period that he has lost weight but nt the bride.He has been cleaning up the house n seeing to the preparation for wedding.Munn has been doing a great job n im glad that this responsible and amazing guy is my Hubby!to end Preparing for Wedding Plus House is not that fun afterall....

Here are some pic of Our First HOME! I proudly present ATRINA to all of u!

comic stip of Munn & Jo

A comic strip of Hubby and i ....With courtesy from Dear Joan.

Monday, May 05, 2008

WeddinG Pictures By Dsire..

It has been a long long time since i last blog....Have been really Busy with many things...well Ah wah did a great job except that Munn n i dont look very natural in some of the shots.Many ppl commented that the pic look good but i feel is pretty average i wanted more of those journalistic shots...anyway i do like the pic afterall we spent a BIg bomb to change them to metallic surface..

Friday, March 14, 2008

Snap Snap

*Praise the Lord for the awesome weather!*

Our Lord is simply has been raining heavily last week and the whole of our island has been so wet.. we were praying so hard that t wont rain today so that we can have our photoshoot..n in fact i was not worried cuz i have faith that MIghty father will control the weather well.

hmmm to me photoshooting was tiring, fun, unnatural,sweet......initially i was quite worried that the make up wun turn out well however ponnie did a great job and she has been very helpful...i realise brides are pretty helpless when the gown is so heavy and those long pretty nails are in the way i will really need lotsa help on my actual day...afterall im satisfied with her hairdo,make up and service...may the great lord bless her with a wonderful boyfriend just like my baby.

Though all the gowns are pretty average to me still i enjoyed the process cuz is a once in a life time experience....just pray that ah wai did a great job, hope i wun looked too unnatural or FAT..well as long as there are 28-30 shots that r nice will do...

The only pity is i din managed to bring baby joey with us...all along i wanted to include her inmy wedding album but is difficult as we have no assistant today and the baby needs lotsa attention and care.i felt bad towards her.though i borrow the gown n tried to take some pic at hm the pics were nt very nice as MUM photography cant really make it haha.Also i felt sad that today we did nt manage to go OL for photoshoot.. it was the place we met,the place that god put both of us there to serve yet i din manage to take any pic there.Hopefully we will be able to take some shots of Ol on my wedding day itself.

to conclude i hv less than three mths to complete my reno n wedding preparation hopefully everything will turn out well..I believe i can do all things through christ who strengthen me...

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Our Love Nest*atriNa*

Munn JoLEne Joey 2008
BaBy JOey Loves Atrina

Praise the lord for our first love nest Atrina!! just wanna say a big thanks to our father who has given us our new flat..we r so blessed that we manged to get a flat n we only waited for 8 mths....

saturday was the second time munn n i went to our new flat,this time we brought the new member of the hse BAby joey...THis lovely maltese of mine was so happy and excited abt the new place ,she was so bouncy..while munn and i were busy cleaning up the place little maltese went to explore the place on her own...

i Love the new place just that i find it a bit small cuz im looking forward to hosting small parties in near future...however when it comes to cleaning i think is a perfect size...(a small hse suits a lazy person better)

Dear dear just proposed a new idea to shuhua and nw we r waiting to see the new quote also decide which is a more feasible n practical design for us.Im looking forward to my new place and my new life which im gonna embark on in June!!

Dear lord, i lift all my anxiety, worries and fears to YOu lord take charge of my life ...pray that as munn and i get along with the hse n wedding preparation we will understand each other more n are able to solve all the problems together as u guide us along the way....In jesus most prcious name i pray Amen!!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Chinese NeW Year

Well... CHinese New Year is here again, i never really like festive season cuz so much chore to do .THe last min spring cleaning and shopping is always exasperating...and there is always so much preparation for the chinese department to do every year...guess only the kids like new year.

The good thing abt CNY is you get to meet up relatives and this is the only time dad will stay at home for a few days and we get to do "bonding" while playing majong but these few days i have no luck kept losing money chey.Anyway as long as i dun hv to work thats good enough.

THis year was my last yr to stay at home n have reunion dinner with my family frm next year onwards guess i will be dining with munn and his family the thought of this is quite sad.Im very sure i will miss this annual gathering..but the good thing is my parents r gonna have a son- in- law soon...also the thought of giving ang bao next year is also quite sian haha.

Dear lord thank you for the good food, the great company and all ur blessings during these festive season..pray that there will be less quarrels at home.

Saturday, February 02, 2008


Im sick again....having a very bad cold n a high fever(39 degress celcius) thank god sis manage to bring me to doc otherwise i could have just fainted at home...seldom felt this vulnerable n weak before...fever was high n i was so uncomfortable that im getting spasms n whole body was numb..i cant even walk had to drag myself to doctor...felt so sick that i even cried at hm wanted to see dear dear badly but i know he was in class so i din disturb him...

At the clinic i was about to faint..was really feeling terrible.had a jab which help to bring down the fever..but was sneezing away the whole only 5 days away frm new year n i haven been shopping even my mani pedi appt has to be cancelled today...

I Cant stand teaching anymore....all the amt of work,meetings, wedding preparation,housing and studies are making me breathless....Im all stressed out..dear lord besides teaching what can i do please show me the way...

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

5Th Jan 2008Pam& JJ Wedding

Our Dear Pam is hitched!!! wow i would say this wedding really tire all of us in a way or so..first we were busy with our tailoring...couldnt imagine we had to put on cheongsam it was so stressful for me as the rest are all slim they had no prob looking good in that..i had to go on diet so that i can look good on pam wedding haha.EVen at the dinner itself, a few of us did not even dare to eat .

Also as we were preparing the surprise video for her we spent few hours doing it..over n over again as sometimes we were unnatural, we forgot what to say or so..the whole recording was quite a chore.I bet the videographer was about to throw up blood.along the way some conflicts surfaced but im glad they are all cleared. The most important thing is we want our dear gal to be happily married n have lotsa beautiful memories on her wedding day....

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Xmas cum New year Party 2007

This year we had our xmas n new year party held at athena and alan place...everyone had so much fun playing with their new gadget nintendo was really entertaining the bowling ,boxing,swimming games and etc were tiring us..Well dinner was quite good and Mr Leung planned so much team games to keep us entertained...The funniest part was when the guys were dancing away...I almost cried...

It has been a long long time since all of us gathered together n had so much fun.having great buddies around really makes me feel comforted..They saw me through my lowest point of life n have been there for me all these years..though at times there were miscommunications and conflicts we are still the best of friends...

father Lord i thank you for this group of wonderful friends that you have given me...may u bless them abundantly may they return to your side once again..