Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thanksgiving Day

on this thanksgiving day, We want to thank God for sending Jesus
Christ to die for us and to be our Saviour. We thank that He is also our
good Shepherd all these years.Our Lord Jesus is faithful and he will never fail us.He loves us
more than we think or imagine...he has shown me the power of prayers and the power of love .

Always remember Love the Lord Your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your mind and love for all mankind as you will love yourself.

Today I would like to thank God for all the wonderful blessings that he has brought to me all these years especially in the yr 2008.I thank God for my baptism,my wonderful husband,My beautiful house,my parents- in- law n sis- in- law,My honeynoom trip,my exam results,my loving parents and sis,my kakis and friends and last but not least a country that is safe and peaceful to live in.

I pray for those family who have lost their loved ones in the recent terrorist attack in Mumbai, Lord grant them the strength to live on and move on in life,lessen their sufferings,lift these families up and help them to go through this difficult period.May these souls rest in peace and there will be no further victims in this bloodshed.....

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