Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Farewell Jack 13th December 2010

13th December is a day I will never forget.This is another saddest day of my life.Today i received a piece of terrible news from stella that meimei called from malaysia and informed Jack has passed away in an accident.I was stunned,speccheless and shivering.I couldnt believe my ears and asked my sister if he was only in critical condition,i was in denial could a 19 year old boy lost his life in such a mishap.He is my only biao di and i watched him grow.I could still remember the day when he was borned,when aunt n uncle annnounced his arrival we were filled with joy.From a tiny little baby he is now a 19 year old young man who has his own aspiration,,dreams to fulfil.he has yet to date,start a family or even see jairus for the second time.How can he just leave us without bidding goodbye?It hit me real hard as it reminded me of brother death.I just lost an elder brother several years back and now i lost a younger brother.It has been awhile since i last broke down.I cant control my tears and memories keep flowing back,i wonder why did heaven play such a cruel joke on my family.He was the the only son just like my brother and they were both so young.

I love the way Jack always call me caili jie jie.As im the youngest in the family i always treat little jack as my younger brother.Though we do not spend much time together as he lives in malaysia, there is a closeness between us.I cant believe he just left us like this.Why didnt he ever add me in facebook or msn so that i could have more opportunities to interact and know more about him?i feel so lousy as a cousin,i wasnt always there for him and hardly bought him any stuff before.perhaps i took him for granted or never did i expect him to depart so suddenly.He was always bugging me to go to malaysia to vitsit them and i always say alright someday i will go.Never did i expect the day i go into malaysia was to attend his wake.There he was lying moitionless in the coffin.he looks sad and i can clearly see bruises on his face.The active chatty boy is unusually quiet today,no matter how much i talk to him there was no response.I was just talking to an empty shell.Jack soul has left his body n i dunno if he heard what i told him.I miss you so much Jack and life will never be he same without you around.

Though i do not know what exactly happened on the fateful day,perhaps u were speeding, perhaps ur brakes didnt work,perhaps you were simply too tired or so.Whatever it is please do not hold it against yourself.Please rest in peace wherever you are and bless your family.Thank you for being my cousin.I love you and take care till i see you again

Farewell Jack..

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