Sunday, December 26, 2010

Jairus First Xmas 2010..Ho Ho Ho...

This year was Jairus First xmas,and this darling has received lotsa pressies from everyone.Thanks to all of you! Well,as usual on the 24th xmas eve my friends and family came over to spend the eve with us and this year im glad to have J(Lucy bf) and jairus with us for the first time.It took me weeks to finalize the menu for the night,i made changes here n there but overall im glad all the food was a big hit that night.These days is a challenge to cook,clean the hse and jaga Jairus at the same time.Therefore i actually had to prepares some of the ingredients the night before as i can only work in the kitchen when Jairus goes to bed.
Thank God for Hubby,he knew i did not like to handle the chicken n its intestines n hence took over and prepared the dish on his own.Muack, yummy yummy yummy,I love cooking for my loved ones and is great to spend xmas eve with ur loved ones.

1) Roast chicken with apple and celery
2) stuff mushroom with bacon,garlic,oregano and cheese
3) laksa pesto with cashew nuts
4) Salad
5) Potato salad(couetesy from the lee)
6) Honey Baked Ham(Courtesy from Lucy)
7) salsa and chips(Courtesy frm J)
8)Mango cake(Couetsy from stella)


Thursday, December 23, 2010

Little by little...STep by Step...Jairus @ 8 Months

Baby Jairus is now 8 months old..i cant believe time passes so fast..Jairus has grown so strong and so much in the past month.He can now do leopard crawl and simply loves to stand up with support.He is no longer the little baby who simply lies in his rocker all day long.Falls and bruises are going to be his friends for this period.oh right,im guilty of neglience.First incident was when i was changing him on mum's bed.I walked out of the room to get tissue paper and off he roll down the bed...then  just the other day poor Jairus had two bad falls within a day.Well the first fall happen when i placed him on the playmat without placing any cushion behind him.Within spilt seconds the little one lost balance and "TA DE" he hit his head real hard on the ground.Hmmm he was crying for some time but consolable.Thank God there was no bump except some redness of his head.What make it worst was he also fell off my bed on the very same night.everyone knows how high my bed is and all i did was to place him on the bed, surrounded him with pillows and walk out of the room to look for his bolster.To my horror as i was walking into the room ,i actually saw Jairus falling off the bed landing flat on his face.  I ran as fast as i could and all i heard was a loud thump!and follow by loud cries.My heart broke when i saw  that and i started scolding daddy for not monitoring him in the room.Oh well i know was not really daddy fault but i was in a fluster so he kenna from me.poor Jairus was wailing away and i had to hug and console him for quite some time.I prayed very hard that the two falls that day did not hurt his head or brain.I felt so terrible.Im so sorry for being such a careless mummy,i fail to realise my little Jairus who was once so physiacally "helpless and weak" is now a strong and adventurous boy.He doesnt need mummy to be around to perform leaps and stunts.Praise God nothing happen bad to him.

He is very fun to play with these days but t the same time he is getting quite a handful.He now knows how to throw tantrum for instance he HATES to be in the car seat hence putting him in and strapping him is a dreadful chore.He starts complaining and cry whenever he is in the carseat and there were times i gave in by carrying him out, but seems like i gotta stop doing that otherwise he will not be discipline in future and daddy n mummy will have a hard time driving a crying baby around.Jairus could hardly sit still or lie still which makes changing diaper really difficult.It use to take us only two mins to change him but now we take about maybe six to eight mins.Mummy had been looking like a panda lately as recently she had cried way too much and is seriously deprived of SLEEP.Baby Jairus has not been zzz well these days,he used to turn in around 10 plus but these days he will only zzz around 12 plus,and he keeps waking up in the middle of the night crying.SO i will have to carry and pacify him back to zzz again.Though he will usually fall asleep soon (sometimes his eyes are not even open) but it really taking a toil on me as he may wake up 5-6 times in a night so im not well rested and i really wonder am i able to take it when school start next week.I dont need to zzz for many hours but i do need quality rest.Already i dont get enough rest before Jairus was born i cant imagine how can i cope with work and Jairus.Lately I been praying very hard that Jairus will be able to zzz through the night if not pls gve me lotsa  lotsa strength and energy to that i can multi- task and function well at both work n home.

Dearest Jairus mummy is gg back to work in a week time and i promise you i will rush home as soon as possible each day.Mummy has to work so that i can provide more for you in future.Please do not forget about mummy,these 8 mths have been fantastic and memorable.Please remember mummy loves you alot so please be obedient and co-operative .You are daddy and mummy's pride and joy and we are so proud of you,our handsome little boy.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Farewell Jack 13th December 2010

13th December is a day I will never forget.This is another saddest day of my life.Today i received a piece of terrible news from stella that meimei called from malaysia and informed Jack has passed away in an accident.I was stunned,speccheless and shivering.I couldnt believe my ears and asked my sister if he was only in critical condition,i was in denial could a 19 year old boy lost his life in such a mishap.He is my only biao di and i watched him grow.I could still remember the day when he was borned,when aunt n uncle annnounced his arrival we were filled with joy.From a tiny little baby he is now a 19 year old young man who has his own aspiration,,dreams to fulfil.he has yet to date,start a family or even see jairus for the second time.How can he just leave us without bidding goodbye?It hit me real hard as it reminded me of brother death.I just lost an elder brother several years back and now i lost a younger brother.It has been awhile since i last broke down.I cant control my tears and memories keep flowing back,i wonder why did heaven play such a cruel joke on my family.He was the the only son just like my brother and they were both so young.

I love the way Jack always call me caili jie jie.As im the youngest in the family i always treat little jack as my younger brother.Though we do not spend much time together as he lives in malaysia, there is a closeness between us.I cant believe he just left us like this.Why didnt he ever add me in facebook or msn so that i could have more opportunities to interact and know more about him?i feel so lousy as a cousin,i wasnt always there for him and hardly bought him any stuff before.perhaps i took him for granted or never did i expect him to depart so suddenly.He was always bugging me to go to malaysia to vitsit them and i always say alright someday i will go.Never did i expect the day i go into malaysia was to attend his wake.There he was lying moitionless in the coffin.he looks sad and i can clearly see bruises on his face.The active chatty boy is unusually quiet today,no matter how much i talk to him there was no response.I was just talking to an empty shell.Jack soul has left his body n i dunno if he heard what i told him.I miss you so much Jack and life will never be he same without you around.

Though i do not know what exactly happened on the fateful day,perhaps u were speeding, perhaps ur brakes didnt work,perhaps you were simply too tired or so.Whatever it is please do not hold it against yourself.Please rest in peace wherever you are and bless your family.Thank you for being my cousin.I love you and take care till i see you again

Farewell Jack..

Eric Clapton/Tears in heaven