Monday, May 10, 2010

Baby Jairus is One Month Old!

Our little sumo has turned one month old..hurray!Baby Jairus is so blessed not only he has received many gifts from all the aunties and uncles, everyday there are so people visting him He has grown so much in these four weeks and i can spend my time just by simpy looking and adoring him.

I kinda enjoyed my confinement as i i get to spend time with my mum and as mum is a great chef i love all the dishes she whipped up daily.Really appreciate my mum and I can see how much love and care she showers on hubby jairus and I.I thank God for mothers.

Anyway Baby Jairus had two days of party.The first party was held at panpac orchard claymore cafe and the second party was at my place.Though i was really busy these two days im glad that all the relatives and friends were here to share our joy.i even got to celebrate my first mothers day on the second day.I hope everyone had a great time during these two days.


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