Friday, April 09, 2010

Bye bye Bump!

Time really flies it seems like it was only yesterday when i found out i was pregnant however 9 months have passed and I am thankful to Father GoD for seeing me through this smooth sailing pregnancy..i did not experience morning sickness or any pre nattal blues.However i must admit i kept falling ill during this period and insomia was a real headache.Going to work without much rest is really tiring..Anyway im going to miss having Jairus in my stomach.

JAirus has been a good boy so far..he doesnt move around or kick too much which i conclude he is as nua as his parents..In fact im quite comfortable with him staying inside my stomach.he has become a part of me.

Jairus has been too comfortable inside hence i will be going for a c section tomorrow morning at 11am.Although i would love to go through a natural birth, JAirus has a big head and he is a big size baby too hence munn n i decided to go for c section instead.Wanted to go under GA  initially as the thought of being slaughtered while conscious really send cold shivers down my spine.However as i do not want munn to miss our first borne first moments i opted for epidural instead.I trust that God will be in control tomorrow.

Guess i wont be zzz tonight!Bye bye Bump...and advance welsome to JAirus!

Here is a beautiful prayer from my FIl:

Dear Father God,
We pray and commit Jolene and the baby child to you for tomorrow's operation. We pray that you take control of the operation. We pray for the doctor that you guide his hand in the operation and that everything will be go on smooth and well. We pray for all the other people who assist in the operation that they will do a good and professional job. We pray for smooth delivery and that will be no complication. Pray both mother and child will be ok and be in good spirit. Give them good rest and after the birth.

We pray for your anointing upon the baby child as he starts his lives on earth. That he will grow up to be like King David, man after your heart, pleasing you and be a blessing to you. Grow up to be a righteous man in Christ Jesus. Also we pray that you bless him with your wisdom which is to fear you.
Thank you Father for listening to our prayers and we pray these in Jesus precious name. Amen

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