Friday, September 18, 2009

THis Is It!!!

AFter 5 years of part- time studies and work I have finally finished my SIM journey...Praise be to God...It has been really stressful for the last few months as i was struggling with my final year disertation work and driving classes.I am so thankful I had Mdm Jin to help me along the way otherwise It would have been so much more intimidated by my supervisor as she has very high expectations and the worst part is im quite slack and i do not take initiatives to approach her....have been "buttered" by her a few times...n i always end up complaining to hubby...Just hope the emplacement will come quickly and i hope all the time and effort are worth.

A Big Thank you to hubby for being there for me all these years,especially the days he spent hours waiting for me outside the lecture hall and fetching me to and fro school.The day i had the dialogue session with the panel he was again with me encouraging me...N i feel so blessed that im the only student whose husband is seating out there waiting for me..Thanks Munn. Love you.

ANyway, THis IS IT...No more studies for me..the thought of it makes me throw up!

Sunday, September 06, 2009

NAsi LEmak Here WE Come!!

T0day is my 27th Birthday N im feeling abit stoned....for the past few days my nose has been giving me problem seems like pregnancy increase nasal congestion...We had A Nasi LEmak PArty for the KakiS! There was full attendance(except for ah wee who needs to work) and everyone turned up (of cuz nvr on time haha) . AFraid that there wont be enough food i got hwa to get some hotdogs and i also cooked fried eggs in addition.My goodness Li has such a HUge Appetitie or shd i say Fetish for EGGS....Her eyes sparkle when she saw the eggs...i bet little CLara who is in mummy womb will get high on egg too! IAn was sweet to bring homemade cookies which he baked that morning it tasted real goood..yummy .How many man can bake cookies in the first place..?

The babies are so cute they turned up in MICKEY MOUSE outfit and they brought so much joy to the aunties who nvr grow tired playing with them...Poor aden had a fall from the bed n he cried so loudly.. *sayang* I could feel the pain as im aware my bed is very high n he must have had a bad fright falling in the dark dark room...

As usual the women had a great time catching up or even gossiping...lulu was nice to make an effort to order the birthday cake frm RIVE..Knowing that i like the strawberry shortcake, on top of the chocolate cake she ordered a slice of strawberry shortcake just for me so that i can savour...

We had a great time celebrating ying and my birthday but it was a pity that ying had to leave much earlier.....Thank God for FRIENDS!!!!

Saturday, September 05, 2009


sukiyaki steamboat..YUMMY...

I wonder where is ah seok??

thanks XX for the pressie...I luv it..

It has been long long time since the OL gang get together at atrina...well we had my 27th birthday party today.It was the first time we had shabu shabu sukiyaki at my place...A big thanks to dear JAs for doing the grocery shopping with me the day before as i was pretty clueless what to get!We had a great party that nite>Joan was so sweeet to get 3 tubs of Ben n Jerrys ice cream Yummy..XX bought lotsa snacks and she bought a cute scrapook for me so i can note baby journey..that was so sweeet of her!as usual AH Seok is forever late n therefore was ridiculed by the whole gang that night maybe i was the most mean to her.We had lotsa of food that we couldnt finish n im surprised ED ate so little maybe he is on diet for his wedding haha.This gang always get HIGH on Wii games...they are forever energetic and can laugh non- stop...JAS N XX are the renowned ENERGISER BUNNIES...Shang was so nice to stay till real late to help Munn with his laptop.We really appreciate it.May Abba father bless this group of cute boys and girls.

Im thankful to have friends like that i hope when little sze toh is out i will still be able to have parties like this!