Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thanksgiving Day

on this thanksgiving day, We want to thank God for sending Jesus
Christ to die for us and to be our Saviour. We thank that He is also our
good Shepherd all these years.Our Lord Jesus is faithful and he will never fail us.He loves us
more than we think or imagine...he has shown me the power of prayers and the power of love .

Always remember Love the Lord Your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your mind and love for all mankind as you will love yourself.

Today I would like to thank God for all the wonderful blessings that he has brought to me all these years especially in the yr 2008.I thank God for my baptism,my wonderful husband,My beautiful house,my parents- in- law n sis- in- law,My honeynoom trip,my exam results,my loving parents and sis,my kakis and friends and last but not least a country that is safe and peaceful to live in.

I pray for those family who have lost their loved ones in the recent terrorist attack in Mumbai, Lord grant them the strength to live on and move on in life,lessen their sufferings,lift these families up and help them to go through this difficult period.May these souls rest in peace and there will be no further victims in this bloodshed.....

Thursday, November 20, 2008

congrates to HWa & LI...20th NOv...2008

After 8 yrs of courtships and all the ups and downs in their relationship , my best friend is finally tying the knot with the only MAN on earth that can stand her laziness, ignorance,lethargy and the list goes on and on ... haha in any case Hwa's fate is sealed so i shall not further comment .anyway congrats to Hwa N Li o n their marriage.....the wedding was a simple and intimate affair with only close friends and relatives.The room and set up was beautiful.Oriental was definitely a great choice...

the three sisters.......

THE PRETTY BRIDE and some extras......

Monday, November 10, 2008

Term 4 Week 10

It has been a long time since i last blogged...praise the lord school term is finally coming to an end...Im so proud of my my P2 gals as they have all made vast improvements compared to SA1 and yes i love this bunch of naughty kids though they are the famous class that drive all teachers nuts...Im gonna miss this class...As for my Primary 3 kids i cant seem to bond with them as i can tell they are all very afraid of me and they hv no interest in the subject.Well if i do take them next year hope things will improve...As for my Primary 6 kids i just pray that they will fare well in their PSLE and they will be able to get into the school of their choice.

Im so glad that the holidays are coming it has been a long time since i NUA at home...March holiday i was down with wedding photo shoots and courses..June I was down with wedding...september i was down in Shandong..Well this has been a real hectic year for me but nonetheless i really had fufiling year....A year which will leave me beautiful memories.

Im gg South Africa in 4 weeks time for my long awaited honeymoon....though i wish that we can go NZ and be away for a longer time still im glad we are able to go to SA and be back to spend xmas with family and friends....I Will wanna take lotsa pictures on this trip...Thank God for the coming holiday!