Sunday, September 10, 2006

i DiD It...SHhhhhh

It took me ages to make up my fickle mind to sign up a blog as i do not wish people to find out more abt me as I mind the way people perceive me and im a born worrier.....however there are so much joy n woes in me that i wanna let it all out.I was thinking what would be an appropriate name n i thought itgfe is will sound good.Doubt i will let anyone know this link........SHHHhhh...this is a secret just for me n myself.....
This holiday has not been very smooth for me as i quarrelled with my loved ones n upset a man who holds a very important position in my heart...i cant stand myself sometimes i hate myself too.Guess i must learn to love myself more.
Last but not least,i thank gOd for his blessings grace n mercy towards me...

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