Sunday, September 10, 2006

TeRRibLe EXPeRIENcE..What A Day

DeaR friends should ya happen to come to Bishan JUnction 8 Please do nt ever Step Ur feet Into This BYS_ retaiL SHop, E service there is utterly disappointed n Disgusting..PeolPle there CAnt serve N conVerse at all... iM nt expectINg Great SerVIce LIke some renowned BOutique but their services were less than average what a shame! ....Last FRi I reserved two skiRTs as i did not bring My member card Along i reserved them n wanted to pick them up today.I left my name n contACT with her.
To mY horror if im nt wrong the poor staff was down with parkinson she couldnt remember me or my was less than 48 hrs.with mucccccccccch effort she finally remember my reservation.what fellow next was the reservation was gone with the wind.she has no idea where it went to .Also the skirts that i wanted were out of stock .i was fuming but was willing to let the matter off if a stock transfer was allowed.N the Bo ChaP lady simply said they do not have transfer policy.^&*^*&@$89. they lost my reservation n i have to make my way to other outlet.what kind of customer service.All the staff were not apologetic n remorseful.One even shrug her shoulder when i refuse to look at other design.not only i wasted my time today it also dampen my mood. I once worked at a boutique n i value my customers feedback n time for the employer to evaluate their staff performance n are they really competent for the service job?

i have second thoughts to patronise the outlet again....SIGH

i DiD It...SHhhhhh

It took me ages to make up my fickle mind to sign up a blog as i do not wish people to find out more abt me as I mind the way people perceive me and im a born worrier.....however there are so much joy n woes in me that i wanna let it all out.I was thinking what would be an appropriate name n i thought itgfe is will sound good.Doubt i will let anyone know this link........SHHHhhh...this is a secret just for me n myself.....
This holiday has not been very smooth for me as i quarrelled with my loved ones n upset a man who holds a very important position in my heart...i cant stand myself sometimes i hate myself too.Guess i must learn to love myself more.
Last but not least,i thank gOd for his blessings grace n mercy towards me...