Friday, May 27, 2011

what a Day...

Term 2 week 10 is the day i long for as it is the last day of semester however i am not elated at all.So far i guess this is the worst day of the year and i hope history wont repeat.I actually banged the car in the church carpark and goodness me i did not even see the pillar right in front of me,im not too sure was the carpark too dark or i was not paying attention at all,and just when i thought only the headlights were gone while i was making my way home i actually felt something dragging the ground.To my horror the whole bumper came off and there was no way i can drive the car home.i had to call a few numbers before i got my car tow away to the workshop.
And i had to rush back home to fetch joey to the vet.She was supposed to see the bone specialist to see if she needed an operation  and also to have her teeth scaled.At last i manage to get to the clinic. The vet mentioned this would be joey last teeth scaling as she is really very old and is not recommeded to be under GA again.My heart sank once baby girl is turning 14 and seems like she will be leaving me soon.After a few hrs of wait,the clinic finally called and im glad joey is awake,Amen.i spoke to the vet and she told me she extracted 2 teeth and what came worse was when she showed me her x ray results.joey bones are degenarating her spine,.hips and knees are giving her problems.this time i really cant hold my tears back,she was just a little puppy when i brought her back and i cant believe she is so old now.Doc recommene accupunture or cartrophen jabs for her to strenghten her muslces and also gave us some painkiller to give her as an when she need.

I feel really lousy today.the accident is going to cost quite a bit and now i may lose my dog anytime.I pray that Lord Jesus wont take baby joey away from us so soon.HEal her and take away all the pain and discomfort she has to go through.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

12 + 1=13 months

 Baby Jairus is now 13 months,Praise God...i never get tired playing or looking at him.No matter how tired i am after a long day at work he will never fail to bring a smile on my face.The little one is still not ready to walk but he is able to take 7 to 20 steps at a go and mummy is so proud of him.These days he knows the word head in eng and chinese,hello and bye bye,kiss, hug,pong pong, catch you,clap hands an etc.But this little fella still refuse to speak,i cant wait for him to call mummy or papa!and i wonder what will his first word be.This boy loves to smile an interact with people however he still doesnt like too much attention on him or ppl making loud noise,if u laugh too loudly or so he will start to cry.The other day papa and i brought him to hougang swimming pool and the moment we stepped into the pool this little one starte clinging on me refusing to go into the pool at all,he was so scared that he cry non stop when he saw the crowd at the matter how we try to entice or attract him into the water he simply refuse and soon it started pouring and we had no choice but to go home.papa and i hope that baby Jairus will overcome his fear soon.

Sunday, May 08, 2011

Happy Mother's Day 2011

Happy Mother's Day to all the great mummies in the world!!!hmmm is my second mother's day this year and im loving it because is another occasion where i get pampered by hubby again;) Papa has indeed given me a pleasant surprise this year, it has been a long time since he gave me flowers and to my surprise he actually sent a box of flowers to school this year.I was so delighted and touched by his gesture.Colleagues and friends all complimented on how sweet papa is.I have to agree papa has been putting in lotsa effort to cheer mummy up.Good effort papa.on mothers day morning papa brought us to have brunch at one twenty six at east coast,it was a breezy afternoon and i like the alfresco setting.It was our first time time and it was a good experience.the food was good and the weather was sunny.After that we sat on the beach for awhile and played with Jairus,Happiness doesnt cost money.Spending quality time with your loved ones on a lazy sunday afternoon is surely pure bliss,the only pity was joey girl was not around with us,I am sure she would love to walk in ECP  too.Thanks papa for everything;)