Friday, July 09, 2010

Baby Jairus is 3 Months old...

Time flies baby Jairus is now three months old...he now looks very different from his newborn pictures and i can hardly recall how he look like then.Jairus has now lost his baby fats and is no longer chubby. He doesnt drink alot but is definitely zzz more these days.He is now shedding hair and yes is pretty serious u can find lotsa hair on his pillow or bed.. guess very soon we will have to shave him.Baby jairus can hold his neck up now and is getting stronger each day. Though he tries to flip and turn he can only do a half turn hence he is always rotating on the bed.Each night he can rotate 180 degree and is leaving me very little space to zzz.
He used to have one single eye lid and one double eyelid but recently his single eyelid has changed to a double eyelid..hurray his eyes are finally mei mei liao.He is now very fun to play with and has alot more expressions than definitely enjoying every moment with him at i wish i dont ave to go back to work...

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