Wednesday, July 28, 2010

cookyn with Mervyn

Oh well is Ying hens night and she decided to celebrate it in the kitchen!it hs been a long long since we had a all girls date,no husbands,no kids.just the seven of us.Well initially we wanted to  meet at NYDC for a coffee seesion before proceeding to cooking,never did i expect that the girls will end up ordering so much food.In order to save my stomach for the meal later in the night i only had a cup of tea.Within that hr or so we had so much fun chatting,gossiping and catching up with one another.We laughed so much that stomachs were hurting and tears were rolling dwn.i was missing baby jairus n hubby though.
Anyway we spent the next few hrs in Mervyn kitchen and we whipped up the following dishes:
a. marinated hokkaido scallop sashimi with avruga caviar and truffle oil
b. roasted chicken leg with honeyed feta cheese
c. pasta with tiger prawns tossed in laksa cashew nut pesto
d. dark chocolate mousse with assorted berries
It was an awesome and memorable night!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Munn turns 33 this year and as he needed to attend a course on that day we could only do dinner that eveing,However we had celebrated his birthday with my parents on sunday and also with his parents on monday.

This year i made a reservation at EN dining (Japanese restaurant ) as i know munn loves japanese cusine however i kept it as a secret and all these while i told him we are going for banger and mash hee hee.YEs this is munn's first birthday with the little bub.We opted for the buffet and the food was great.However i think i made a mistake by requesting for a private room.My goodness the room was really warm though they have a small fan there.SO while we were eating the beef shabu shabu we were actually perspiring and it was really uncomfortable.Jairus fell asleep soon we reach the place,however as the plcae was warm and noisy he woke up soon.And when jairus do not get enough sleep thats it,he was crying n crying cuz i think the place was too warm and he was very irritable.The place was warm,the baby was tired and cranky and the place was noisy...towards the end munn and i could hardly eat in peace.also as age is catching up with us we cant eat that much.However it was a great evening with hubby and baby...

Friday, July 09, 2010

Baby Jairus is 3 Months old...

Time flies baby Jairus is now three months old...he now looks very different from his newborn pictures and i can hardly recall how he look like then.Jairus has now lost his baby fats and is no longer chubby. He doesnt drink alot but is definitely zzz more these days.He is now shedding hair and yes is pretty serious u can find lotsa hair on his pillow or bed.. guess very soon we will have to shave him.Baby jairus can hold his neck up now and is getting stronger each day. Though he tries to flip and turn he can only do a half turn hence he is always rotating on the bed.Each night he can rotate 180 degree and is leaving me very little space to zzz.
He used to have one single eye lid and one double eyelid but recently his single eyelid has changed to a double eyelid..hurray his eyes are finally mei mei liao.He is now very fun to play with and has alot more expressions than definitely enjoying every moment with him at i wish i dont ave to go back to work...