Monday, June 07, 2010

Happy 2nd Anniversary baby...

Happy 2nd anniversary baby,we are 2 yrs old... This journey has been wonderful and i really look forward to grow old with munn... As much as i would love to get away to celebrate my wedding anniversary with hubby i had many thoughts and constraints.Hubby has been planning for a spa retreat in Batam however i was not very keen, as firstly i am still breastfeeding which means I have problems pumping and storing the breastmilk,that is one big headache.Secondly, i cant bear to leave jairus with my in laws..dunno if is separation anxiety.Guess im very much attach to this little man.Hence we did not go away for those few days.On the day itself,daddy gave me a card in the car and  i was really touched to read what he wrote.those words really touched my heart and yes i did cry!but those were tears of joy i thank god for blessing me with this wonderful man..i felt so bad that this time round i did not prepare any card or pressie for him.Guess all my attention was on the little one instead..

First, we went vivo to catch sex and the cities then we proceeded to holland village for a three hours spa.Going for spa is our favourite!Afterwhich we went to fosters in holland village for dinner.The place was quiet and the ambience was nice...the food and company was great too.

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