Monday, June 09, 2008

Amara Sanctuary 8th June 2008

Im glad we had the wedding in two days as the night before i did not zzz a wink hence was rather stoned on the wedding day itself.Once again i wanna thank all friends and relatives for gracing this occassion.Both Munn and i hope you enjoyed the dinner.Thanks Ju for the beautiful hand bouquet which you did personally.
my lovely emcees

Marriage is a Covenant...7th June 2008

Wedding cake from Pine Garden

Thank God for Munn....Thank God for the beautiful wedding though there were some hiccups here and there...Thank God for his abundant blessings on us..Im so blessed..

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Is my Hen's Party!

In a few days time, is gonna be my big big day...hence the ol gang decided to have a night of fun with fact this is the first time the five of us are going pubbing...we first met up for dinner at vivo city before we proceeded to st james station for some drinks..We had so much fun that nite, was kinda surprised to see how dear J behaved when she is high..haha. 
hmmm what was ms lim thinking?

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Our Love NEst

Atrina is finally Borne....a beautiful baby that cost a bomb.well the reno has been smooth except for the facts that the air con installation was giving me problems n there were some hiccups here n there...Anyway praise the lord for his goodness and generosity he has given Munn n I an express home...

My parents in law have been very helpful n supportive as our house was only ready a few days before wedding,mil n Fil actually took time off to clean n pack the house for us and i really appreciate that.Thank God for my parents in law..Munn has been very stressed this period that he has lost weight but nt the bride.He has been cleaning up the house n seeing to the preparation for wedding.Munn has been doing a great job n im glad that this responsible and amazing guy is my Hubby!to end Preparing for Wedding Plus House is not that fun afterall....

Here are some pic of Our First HOME! I proudly present ATRINA to all of u!

comic stip of Munn & Jo

A comic strip of Hubby and i ....With courtesy from Dear Joan.