Sunday, October 14, 2007

Back Door....

This morning i felt lousy,i felt tired, i felt fat ,i felt ugly, i felt warm,i was grumpy...what a sunday i must be the stupid exam and wedding preparation that are affecting my mood.but to my surprise it turned out to be a special day that i will always remember...all thanks to munn and Backdoor and of cuz baby joey...

after service,we had to rush for lunch, head home n fetch joey gal to the groomer to get her nails cut.There were somany lovely puppies at the pet shop.Seeing their innocent faces really makes my day.

After which munn insisted to bring joey gal and me to a it was raining i told him to forget it but my sweet boy drove all the way to sultan road to give me a surprise..

He brought me to "BAckdoor"- a place for pet photography...I was really caught by surprised i din expect it at all... it was sooooooooooo sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet of him my boy seldom give me surprises....we decided to let joey hv a "makeover" and have soemglamour shots.GOOdness i haven bathe her for two weeks,i was hoping they dun complain of her SMElll,but i was worried
she might appear yellowish in the picture...poor maltese she has turn frm white to off white...sob sob but i still love her..

We chose a pooh bear outfit, a korea outfit and a strawberry outfit for her.she looked so adorable in those outfits.but she looked kind of silly in the strawberry outfit..frankly i think she looked the best without any outfits.she looked so natural and joey is the most beautiful maltese i ever seen..i bet u cant guess her age based on the so proud of this photogenic little poochie of mine...

Sunday, October 07, 2007

wedding preparation hurray!!!

Munn and I had a fruitful Saturday....Though we went out in late afternoon but we managed to sign up a bridal package and AD videography.Afterwhich we went to expo to speak to ID again (I have lost count how many Id we went to)

1. Feeling confused and disappointed

I was feeling confused before we signed up the bridal as there are so many bridal shops out there and most of the gowns out there are gorgeous. It really a headache.. Sigh when we sat down at Bliss Bridal creation we were stucked.That was our first and last bridal shop.Some of the pictures were beautiful but some are just average.

The lady who served us was very friendly and nice, she was not pushy franklyI was not very interested.. in the end baby decided to sign as the package was reasonable ans service to us is very important.Still I find it a pity as i did not get a chance to take a look at other bridal.Bliss Bridal was not the shop i had in mind. Now i worry about the gowns they have in the shop and i worry that the photographer is not up to standard.*sigh* As usual my baby is encouraging he assured me i will look good in any gowns.Though they seemed to "throw in" many stuff for us when i checked online just now i realised other bride -to- be have more pictures than us even, i felt abit disappointed and cheated cuz why cant all customers get the same deal .munn says is okay n i shd nt be upset over such small details Shd we transfer the package??or go i worrying too much.???I will only go try the gown in Nov or Dec..

2Feeling HAPPY

After getting the BRidal we walked past One eye click photography, I saw the company portfolio in magazine and online before.i Love their styles and immediately we sign up a package with them..It was love at first SIGHT...if my bridal shots are going to let me down, i will definitely spend more money on AD photography.GOD is so good,i cant believe im getting married to MR Sze Toh...

3.Feeling Troubled

Now then we have settled the BS and AD gonna tackle the first prob again r we having holy matrimony in CMC church or are we going to other church or are we having it in the hotel itself ? We kind of love CHIJMES but is not available on the day.Are we really going to AMAra Santuary???I wish i can hv the ans fi from baby but i know he will always let me make the final decision cuz as long as im happy he will be too. (I hate myself cuz i cant make decision! n i always regret)

4.Feeling Paiseh

I duuno how to say NO to people or sales man and this is tough.Today we were struggling with Tommy.he is a nice guy who is frm an interior company.He is friendly and patient with us.However, I decided not to sign anything today as I do nt want to hv any regrets when it cums to hse.We are gg to leave there for long and i hv not seen the other proposals frm other ID. We tried so hard telling him to give us time to think abt it n he tried even harder convincing us. I find so paiseh and tired rejecting ppl.Luckily we manage to get away in the end,but we promised to get bk to himGod pls give me an answer.....which ID should we go to!!

5 Nite prayer
Lord i thank you and praise u for all teh wonders and blessings u hv done in my life.Bless with me abunadant wisdom n perserverance that i will complete my degree in two yrs time.Pray that i will do wel for my coming exam and lord i leave my wedding preparation to u.Take charge of my life and remove all my fears and anxiety.I wanna be a happy child of urs,a cheery friend,an amazing teacher and an irreplaceble wife of sze toh khai munn.Amen!!

Wedding Preparation....