Thursday, September 08, 2011

Goodbye my last TWenties...(Part 1)

                                                         The Wonderful Hubbies!

                                                         This Picture could have been Better!
                                                                    Is Our Birthdays!
                                                         Jairus looking lost

                                                             The seafood was awesome
                                                                  My precious

                                                                     The Sze Tohs 2011 september
Oh mine, i am now offcially 29 years old.The big three is there to welcome me next year.I cant help but to agree im really old,becomng more and more aunty these days.For the past ten years,life was not easy more me as i was going through my youth, i spent so much time nursing broken hearts,coping with all the exams from NIE and SIm,lotsa of challenges from work and the worst thing was losing my two loved ones.(I miss them dearly).However our God is mercy and kind ,he has indeed blessed me abundantly over these ten years.I got my Diploma,my degree,married a wonderful man,own a small but lovely place,have the most adorable son,a stable job,love and care frm friends and sisters and a safe country to live in.What more can i ask more??God is good ,all the time.

Anyway, this year is my second year celebrating my birthday with baby Jairus,as our group is really expanding fast and the group size is now so big,it can be real challenging to arrange makan sessions with all the kiddos.Im glad i went ahead with holding a BBQ at Changi Csc club,it has been real long since we last had our BBQ session.The kiddos had fun playing at the playground,swimming and playing with the bubbles and sparklers. Baby Jairus is now at the age he doesnt really knw how to play with others, so he spent most of the time playing on his own or watching the older kids playing.The weather was great though it was pouring that afternoon itself.Amen,Praise the lord!I feel that maybe we shd get something for the gals too since they are such great pals and ying agreed as well hence we gt our dear frens some cups which i hope they will use it at work or home.Well once again,it was a great party with awesome company n food.A big thank you to all the husbands for bearing with the heat and standing there for hrs to bbq the food for everyone.