Thursday, June 16, 2011

14 months accomplisment!

Baby Jairus just turned 14 mths few days back and im glad im able to witness another milestone of his.This month he starts to walk without support and he giggles at every baby step he takes,i guess he finds walking really fun.He hardly crawl around these days and often u can spot him walking and exploring every corner of the house.He looks really cute when he walk however he doesnt feel very comfortable walking with shoes on,i guess he really need more practices and encouragement.Baby Jairus has been exremely close to me these days as i guess i have been spending more time with him lately since is the sch holiday also our family trip to Bangkok has indeed brought the family closer. I pray that when i return to work next week Jairus will not have not withdrawal symptoms or so ,Hopefully his grandparents can divert his attention.ANyway Bringing him overseas is a challenge these days but im glad we made it and by God's grace he behaved relatively well on the plane.

The little one also loves to clap his hands these days and he simply loves to smile and laugh,a very cheery baby indeed!He is also very vocal and expressive he will expresss himself through baby language or cries.The other day in Bangkok,Papa and i brought him to watch Kungfu panda 2, and he was crying away when he saw the evil looking vilians and fighting scenes,though Po is very adorable,i guess the show was too "violent"for him.Thank God the cinema was rather empty on a weekday.Jairus seems to hate or fear loud noise more,he starts to wail and appear to be very scared when i try to vacuum the floor or use the hair dryer.I hope this little one will overcome all these fears soon.May God continue to bless him with good health and keep him away from evil spirits.Amen.