Saturday, March 19, 2011

11 months going on 12

Oh my Jairus is offcially 11 mths in a mth time he is turning one and very soon he will not be a baby anymore but one little toddler.Well we have finally decided on the venue after months of recce,we are going back to Panpac where he had his first month celebration.However this time round there were more things to see to such as the kids goody bags,the birthday deco, the birthday cake,the invites,the guests favours and the list goes on...

I admit im a perfectionist so as much as i can i wil really like to make this celebration a memorable one for both the guests and myself.There were so many things i would like to do however due to budget i try to keep things glad daddy created a vpost account and we were able to ship so many items back.
crossing my fingers hard eveything will turn out well on his birthday.

But fat mama me will have to go on diet so that i dont look too bad in the pictures then  and i need to get new outfits too.haha.well i know im not the birthday boy but i believe i wil be carrying him most of the time so i should look good too.

A quick summary of baby jairus progress.This little imp crawls really fast these days and he loves walking (with support) around the house and also likes to do pole dancing on the fan too.He has learn to climb up and down the sofa so there are times he will just climb up the sofa to sit with daddy and mummy.On a few occasions he managed to get into the toilet n put his hand in the toilet bowl.yucks, was just telling hubby  imagine if we forgot to flush haha.He tends to fuss alot when he doesnt get his way and he seems short tempered just like mama.SHould we wanna dine in peace,we definitely must provide him with his entertainment TV and i really thank GOD for IPhone,one of the best gadgets i owned.I know he should not be watching too much cartoons so we try to control too.

well,jairus fell ill to weeks back.He was having high fever and diarrhea despite having the medince we gave him.The symtoms did not subside.he was drinking very little and was getting lethargic.Initially daddy and i wanna wait till mon to bring him to see the Pd however we decided to bring him to mount alvernia that very night.The doc told us baby was dehydrating and he needs to be on drip and as his stool has blood they suspect there was some infection in the body.The symtoms were similar to rota virus but thank God jairus had taken the oral vacine when he was much younger.Poor Jairus was crying so badly when they put the intravenous needle and to prevent him frm pulling it out which he did the very first time they bandaged his hands.he screams each time the nurse force the medicne down his throat that he develop a sore throat and cough during the stay.What make it worse was i actually caught the bug the following day,i was having fever diarrhea and i was throwing up non- stop.Initially i did not wanna see the doc however it was so bad that i felt i was about to faint and the diarrhea come every ten mins.

In the end,I was admitted and put on drip too...i was so worried that i cant stay by Jairus side to look after him thank god both my parents in law took turns to look after him while i was not around.I was not the only victim daddy and my sister also caught the bug and were down too.Fortunately theirs were not that severe.Anyway God has been really great, and with all the prayers showered on us and we have all fully recovered.