Saturday, February 26, 2011

Jairus First CNY.....10 mths old..

It has been two months since i went back to work and my little boy is now 10 mths old.Indeed i have been spending lesser time with him these days but when im bk im 100% his.Wow these days he gives us heart attacks all the time,He could hardly sit in his pram.high chair ,stay in his playyard or play pen or so.With a few leaps and jumps all we can see is him suspending from a height,yes he may just fall n hurt himself goodnese he is just like a little money these days full on energy and life.he goes craling around the place exploring ened even pt his hair n stir the water in the toilet bowl.Yucks i dunno what is gonna be next.M and being the hysterical mummy i have been shouting DADDY! all the time...we are very sure he is going to be walking around pretty soon.

The other day he was just walking along the sofa and after a few seconds i see him seated comfortably on it.Yes he is now able to crawl up and down the sofa.we really need to fix the grilles soon.This little boy is so inquisitive n pick up all the little things he spot on the ground.This Chinese New Year was not really a pleasant time for him as he was cranky for that few days.He started crying whenever he sees unfamiliar faces and get really upset when people try to talk to him,He is usually a very friendly baby he does smile and play with others,however he doesnt really like it when one comes too near him or laugh too loudly,both daddy and i are very sure he will be wailing loudly on his one year old birthday when everyone starts to sing happy birthday song,

Daddy and i were trying to prepare him so these days we do clap n sing the birthday song to him,however whenever we do that he starts to pout n cry hahaha.Mummy hs been falling sick since i went back to work and these few days im down with a flu again.however from the past experience i try not to stay too close to jairus as i do not wish to pass the bug to him.My long awaited weekend is gonna be wasted