Friday, January 14, 2011

Baby Jairus Turns 9 months old!

                                                                          sleeping beauty
Our dearest darling boy is now 9 months old,what a 'big baby he is now'.I could hardly remember hw he look like when he was just a new borne n looking through the past months photos made me realise how fast this little one has grown..My helpless little baby is now really active and has been busy crawling and exploring around everywhere and he is also able to stand and walk with support.We really need to keep eagle eyes on him as he tends to pull down everything he sees.He has mastered the skill of stealing spectacles when he sees anyone wearing and yes i have a difficult time keeping them on my nose.

He loves dropping things from a height the moment u pick up the item for him there he goes again.he finds him fun and i guess is a good exercise for me too.Jairus is also able to throw and pick up ball and is really cute to watch him playing with balls.His motor skills are more refine now and he likes to use his index finger these days.hmmm we just found out our son is a real screamer,he is very vocal likes to baby talk alot and he screams really loud especially when he sees ppl leaving or when he is throwing a tantrum!hubby says is time to discipline the little one.

Poor Jairus was down with a fever and cold the other night,he had caught the evil flu bug from me.i felt so bad for passing the bug.Despite running a fever,having a diarrhea and having a runny nose this fella is still so happy n active.Feeding him medicine was the hardest chore as he simply hates it and refuse to swallow down the throat so we actually had to force it down the crying baby.Praise God jairus recovered pretty fast.but this poor fella had three falls within two days.The first time happened in the middle of the night 4am when i heard him wailing away,my goodness he actually rolled off at the foot of our bed.i felt so bad as minutes before i heard him fussing so i knew he was quite hungry but i was too lazy to wake up n  make milk.Never did i know he will fidget so much that he actually roll off the bed.The following day i brought him out to hv lunch with my sisters,they were playing with him n left him sitting on the table within sit second this super baby fell head down the bench and was crying away and yes his cries attracted the restaurant customers.The very next day,i left jairus in his father care n went to bathe.mins ltr in the toilet i heard the unusual cries again,yes i suspected he fell off the bed again as  he usually will  not cry in such a manner.I confirm my suspicions,daddy dozed off on the bed and poor baby did a stunt again.I was so afraid the three falls within those two days will really hurt or affect the little one.Thank God,,he is doing fine.For the next few days,we bought a mattress and the three of us were zzz on the mattress on the floor in jairus room.

Jairus baby,though mummy now needs to work i promise i will still be your best playmate and care giver.Once mummy reach home all my time is yours.please do not forget the private time we spent together for the past 9 months,those were the best times mummy had with you.please save your first step,first word,first hug for mummy you always my darling boy.
                                                        His favorite sitting position
                                                    hey mummy see i can get the control
                                                       When are you going to bring me out??