Sunday, October 24, 2010

6 months and on.......

                                                     Da Yi's Birthday....I wonder can i grab that flame???

Baby Jairus is now 6 mths old and i just cant get enough of him,i love spending every second and every minute with him,there isnt a moment i feel like escaping away from him,these days everyone comments he is skinny and he resembles daddy.Hmmm i cant really tell except that they both have one single eye lid and one double eyelid.oh yes Bany Jairus has big feet just like his daddy n i guess he has the skinny genes too.

Since we came back from australia i started feeding Jairus porridge.Oh yes i enjoy cooking for him everyday.Feeding him might be a chore but it brings me great joy to see jairus eating the food i prepare painstakingly.He likes to swing his legs when he is in his high chair and he loves playing with his new bibs, he is sucha cutie times the porridge will even be on his hair,his nose and not forgetting the floor also.Just when i was feeding him the other day some thoughts ran through my mind, i wonder will jairus ever remember what mummy has done for him?will he be feeding me the day when im old and sickly?Being a mother makes me realise how much my mum has done for us.I realise how much effort she put in to bring up the five of us.i love my mummy so much.

After we came back from australia,Baby JAirus was very grouchy and he keeps waking up in the the middle of the night when his pacifier come off from his mouth,not forgetting his violent kicks.Every night i had to wake up so many times till i was feelin so tired and frustrated.n yes i decided to borrow a play pen from pam and let jairus zzz on his own.hmm we did utilise the playpen for a few days however i still prefer to hv him by my side so that i do not have to bend over the playpen countless times in a night.For the next few days,I pray to god that Jairus will be able to zzz through the night and he will be able to sleep well without fussing.halleujah,God answered my prayer.Since then,Jairus has been sleeping through every night.AMEN!
Bay Jairus is very inquisitive these days, he would turn his head whenever he hear sound and would wanna grab n feel whatever things that caught his sight.He loves smiling at people and is generally very friendly towards everyone(except when he sees the OL gang).Jairus also likes to interact and he likes to make coo,ha,mmmm and many funny sound.My baby is so playful!

Im enjoying motherhood!woohoo!