Sunday, February 28, 2010

CNY Makan @ PUtien

.Today we had our CNY gathering at City Square Putien.This is the first time all of us tried the place and i would say the price is really reasonable and the service was good.Thumbs up i would definitely recommend this place to friends.I had a good time eating and i really like the fact that im pregnant hence i have very valid reasons not to go on diet and enjoy all the food i want al these months.Thanks to you baby Jairu,.haha.Jairus will be out in a month time or so and afterwhich i will have to work really hard to lose those pounds sigh.

Anyway ,we had a good time catching up with one another but the only pity was JJ and Wee were not able to join us today as they are out of town and Poor P was still slogging at her work place on a saturday afternoon.Seems like one table cant fit all of us anymore.When the two baby tiger cubs are out this year we will soon need another table.I guess by next year each gathering we attend will have abt 20 pax?this figure is scary......

Thank God For Friends..Thank God For all the littlle babies who have brought so much joy to all of us..

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Last Trimester....33 weeks..

TIme really flies..Im now 33 weeks pregnant in another few more WEEks will be the grand arrival of baby jairus .Guess Both Munn and I are feeling exhilarated and nervous at the same time.we really dunno whats gonna happen to our life after that.Went to Dr Ho today Jairus is about 2 kg now and everything seems to be good.The only thing is my sugar level is high again.I bet the culprit is all the CNY goodies and  food...need to watch my diet again before im down with gestational diabetes sigh.

Jairus has turned n his head is already facing down seems like he is getting ready  ..i really dunno whats gonna happen during delivery and i chose not to think of it.Been hearing lotsa labour stories from friends some are really scary and some are really positive.i wonder what will be my version of story hopefully is gonna be a pleasant experience for me. I really wonder how my did mum manage to give birth to the four of us without EPIDURAL???J

Anyway my stomach feels really heavy these days i wonder how much more can it strectch?climbing up the stairs in school make me breathless and frm jan till now i nearly black out on a few occasions in school.Sleeping has also become a chore as i have trouble falling asleep and each night i have to wake up a dozen times to pee sigh...however  i thank GOD for his blessings on me so far at least im still able to function at work.Just hope the rest of the journey will also be a smooth sailing one.