Saturday, October 03, 2009

Hi beanie

Hi is the first time daddy and mummy saw are finally 6.9cm.the last time i saw you you were only 1 cm hence mummy couldnt remember anything abt you except for that racing hearbeat.Doctor ho says you are doing well and should be abt 12 weeks old..daddy and mummy can see your little fingers,your big head ,eyes,ears and nose.You looked kinda cute floating in there.Daddy says you are very active can be a gymnast in future.

You have been a darling for the past three months,mummy doesnt hv any morning sickness except that i hv been falling sick quite often.The nose has been giving me some problems n i cant seemed to zzz at night..Please be a good baby and i pray that God will bless you with good health and that mummy will be able to work and function like normal. Love you little one.