Friday, August 21, 2009

Do you WAnna Hear the Good News Or BAd News First??

I have a piece or good news and bad news to share with all my loved ones...Alright let me get straight to the point..the BAD BAD news is i FAILED my driving test...SOb sucha waste of money and time..Most importantly it was my 2009 resolution i hate to experience failure sucks.though i wasnt very confident i will pass at the first attempt everything went so smoothly at the warm up session n the practise sessions the day before. ALso the tester was extremly nice how could i be so dumbo to hit two poles at the parallel parking! WTF...n now i dunno when will i be retaking my test and when will i be able to fufil my new year resoultion??

Well,My adomen has been feeling funny these feels crampy at the side something like stomach cramp...n my menses is missing too.I decided to get a test kit but i wasnt placing too much hope as my menses had been super irregular and i have been damn stressed for the past month plus no way i will conceive! after the urine test,i could not really tell if is a positive sign as the marking is quite faint.but after a visit to the gynae my scan results shows that Im PREGNANT!!!! wow it sounded too good to be true...if everthing goes well My EDD will be nest APRIL! which means i wun be around for our 50th anniversary and also i will not be around when EV team cums in.what a perfect timing !! praise god for the little beanie!!!

Anyway i still dun quite believe im expecting as it hasnt kinda sink in also i dun really feel anything different! btw i actually used three test kits n a visit to the gynae to confirm the pregnacy haha!!!