Monday, February 16, 2009


hmm my new year resolution for the year will be

1) i wanna get my licence ..this is something which i have procrastinated for years and im glad i finally sign up last week just hope my money will be spent worthwhile afterall it gonna costs me a few k...
2)AFter 5 years of slogging,last min submission of TMA and scary examinations which drive me nuts im glad im now in the final stage...hurray...those days are horrible and skipping classes always made me feel bad but im glad i managed to clear all the modules...Praise be to God..Dissertation is what im left with now but i do need some inspiration on what to write.i need my emplacement badly...
3) I wanna be a better wife,daughter,daughter- in- law,sister,friend,owner, teacher.colleague and most importantly a more obedient disciple...
4) Time for me to lose weight...too many gatherings,too many celebrations and too many lame excuses for not exercising.

well well thats all for now..a lazy person like me shall not be too greedy!