Friday, March 14, 2008

Snap Snap

*Praise the Lord for the awesome weather!*

Our Lord is simply has been raining heavily last week and the whole of our island has been so wet.. we were praying so hard that t wont rain today so that we can have our photoshoot..n in fact i was not worried cuz i have faith that MIghty father will control the weather well.

hmmm to me photoshooting was tiring, fun, unnatural,sweet......initially i was quite worried that the make up wun turn out well however ponnie did a great job and she has been very helpful...i realise brides are pretty helpless when the gown is so heavy and those long pretty nails are in the way i will really need lotsa help on my actual day...afterall im satisfied with her hairdo,make up and service...may the great lord bless her with a wonderful boyfriend just like my baby.

Though all the gowns are pretty average to me still i enjoyed the process cuz is a once in a life time experience....just pray that ah wai did a great job, hope i wun looked too unnatural or FAT..well as long as there are 28-30 shots that r nice will do...

The only pity is i din managed to bring baby joey with us...all along i wanted to include her inmy wedding album but is difficult as we have no assistant today and the baby needs lotsa attention and care.i felt bad towards her.though i borrow the gown n tried to take some pic at hm the pics were nt very nice as MUM photography cant really make it haha.Also i felt sad that today we did nt manage to go OL for photoshoot.. it was the place we met,the place that god put both of us there to serve yet i din manage to take any pic there.Hopefully we will be able to take some shots of Ol on my wedding day itself.

to conclude i hv less than three mths to complete my reno n wedding preparation hopefully everything will turn out well..I believe i can do all things through christ who strengthen me...