Tuesday, January 08, 2008

5Th Jan 2008Pam& JJ Wedding

Our Dear Pam is hitched!!! wow i would say this wedding really tire all of us in a way or so..first we were busy with our tailoring...couldnt imagine we had to put on cheongsam it was so stressful for me as the rest are all slim they had no prob looking good in that..i had to go on diet so that i can look good on pam wedding haha.EVen at the dinner itself, a few of us did not even dare to eat .

Also as we were preparing the surprise video for her we spent few hours doing it..over n over again as sometimes we were unnatural, we forgot what to say or so..the whole recording was quite a chore.I bet the videographer was about to throw up blood.along the way some conflicts surfaced but im glad they are all cleared. The most important thing is we want our dear gal to be happily married n have lotsa beautiful memories on her wedding day....

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Xmas cum New year Party 2007

This year we had our xmas n new year party held at athena and alan place...everyone had so much fun playing with their new gadget nintendo wii...it was really entertaining the bowling ,boxing,swimming games and etc were tiring us..Well dinner was quite good and Mr Leung planned so much team games to keep us entertained...The funniest part was when the guys were dancing away...I almost cried...

It has been a long long time since all of us gathered together n had so much fun.having great buddies around really makes me feel comforted..They saw me through my lowest point of life n have been there for me all these years..though at times there were miscommunications and conflicts we are still the best of friends...

father Lord i thank you for this group of wonderful friends that you have given me...may u bless them abundantly may they return to your side once again..